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Mongolia flora
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Mongolian gazelle

Dzeren, also called Mongolian gazelle, is a very skittish animal, probably due to hunts organized for them. We saw these animals on many occasions, but almost each time far on the horizon, behind which they disappeared in a moment. I tried to take some photos of them several times after we stopped our car, but the pictures I managed to take are merely documentary ones. They are presented in this gallery.

Mongolian Herring Gull

It is quite an unusual bird species when we take into account the conditions of its occurrence. We are used to the fact that a gull is associated with the sea, the ocean, and Mongolia does not have access to the sea, and nevertheless it has a gull species. Everywhere above water reservoirs, sometimes even little ones, we could observe these birds. Waiting for the Pallas’s fish eagle or the bar-headed goose we could take some pictures of these birds. The Mongolian herring gull belongs to large gulls.

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Mongolian Lark

Mongolian larks and horned larks were common on the boundless plains of Mongolia. With such a difference that Mongolian larks occurred on green, more abundant with grass terrains. As we were driving south towards the Gobi Desert, and on the Gobi Desert itself, we could observe only horned larks. The photographs of the Mongolian lark and the horned lark were always taken by chance and we did not devote to them any separate session.

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Mongolian Pika
Mongolian toad
Monk parakeet

I wrongly assumed that the best time for shooting these parrots would be at sunrise, as it usually happens with birds. Early in the morning monk paraklets would sit on their favorite dried tree making the specific noise, for the morning cleaning. They did not prey at the time and were quite skittish. Several attempts to shoot them resulted in a poor effect. How much surprised I was when in the heat of midday or afternoon parrots were able to come up to tourists to a distance of one, two meters. They did not behave as fearful as in the morning.

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Montagu's Harrier

I must admit that I really hoped we would find these birds, especially the pallid harrier. Tanzania is their wintering area, whereas in Poland it is very difficult to encounter these birds. Honestly, I was a little disappointed. In wintering sites of Amur falcons in South Africa there are hundreds or maybe thousands of them. And here in Tanzania only few opportunities to find the harriers. To make matters worse, the birds were skittish and it was difficult to build an interesting, dynamic gallery of these species.

Montane Woodcreeper
Montezuma Oropendola

A beautiful bird, which repeatedly appeared in places we were shooting. Its beautiful voice, that I managed to record, adds extra charm to the bird. At the end of its song Montezuma oropendola bows bending in a characteristic way. The bird, which we  called Montezuma from its English name, was appearing in small flocks, but it was always cautious and rather timid. It slowly approached the place with food to suddenly break a piece of banana off and fly tens of meters away, then quietly finished the meal there.

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