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Galeries 2131 - 2140 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 214 of 257
Steppes Ratsnakes

In Mongolia we encountered only one little snake on the Gobi Desert. It was very skittish and after a few photos it hid somewhere under a bush and disappeared from our eyes. It was about one meter long, although some specimens are said to reach 1.5 meters.

Still life
Bardzo dobre

Coming across a new species, especially mammal, is always exciting, at least for me. This time I waited for bearded reedlings that were photographic purpose of my trip. I spent a few hours waiting with no results, except something small that rushed somewhere in the area of 1 o’clock in relation to the lens set on a tripod. The creature flashed by so quickly that it was impossible to recognize it or to take a picture, what was more important at the moment. Well, it happens, but on the left side the band of reed bed ended, actually it was divided by pathway to the lake.

Stock dove

So, as it was written in information about the turtle dove, the stock dove appeared for a while and  quite far away. I managed to take  several documentary pictures, additionally against the sky. In one word, the worst possible scenario for taking  pictures. The necessary minimum was taken to have a photo record of a new spices on tomkalfoto.pl. But as it happens in nature photography, we need something to start with.  Some documentary galleries were created, in others you can see a significant progress in the quality of presented pictures.

Stolid Flycatcher
Bardzo dobre
Stork-billed Kingfisher
Straight-billed hermit

Being in Iguazú, even if you are not particularly interested in bird beauties, you should visit a place, which is unique on a global scale. Every taxi driver knows this place in  Iguazú and for a few dollars will take you to an amazing hummingbird garden. An admission ticket costs really little. The place itself is very plain. For many years, on a small area of a backgarden, its owner has been hanging water fountains for hummingbirds around.

Straw-necked Ibis

Beautiful representative of the family Threskiornithide. Unfortunately, unlike the Australian Ibis  it was not such a common bird and did not allow me to take more shots than those presented. But luckily I managed to present its feathers shimmering beautifully multiple colors. The Straw-necked Ibis seemed to be, in those Australian circumstances, quite skittish. When I tried to approach, even very slowly, it flew away and the session ended up with a failure, apart from the one when I managed to catch the colors of the Ibis’s feathers "anatomically" presented here.

Straw-tailed Whydah
Strawberry Poison Frog
