As usual, during workships and especially on a trip something unexpected must happen. This time, the surprise that took us aback was the Common Shelduck. Such nice surprises are likely to happen in Sweden, especially before you travel by ferry. The Shelducks were within the range of my lenses. It was more difficult to approach Common Eiders and Cormorans. On the shore, we spotted two couples of Shelducks. One of them was rather timid and took off almost immediately. The other couple kept some distance let us take some photos of them. This is a beautiful bird. Not long ago, in the Bosphorus I saw a group of several dozen Shelducks. The distance from them was large, unfortunately. There was no single photo to begin a gallery.Well, such things happen. This time I took so many photos that I set up a full gallery of this species.
Last minute news - 04/2014
Nothing like this happened before. The Common Shelduck may be found in the latest galleries. However, so many new photos were taken that the whole gallery was transformed quickly. It was not difficult to meet these words in Jurata and Jastarnia early in the morning. Maybe it was a little too early, since many dynamic shots of this bird were blurred because of the prolonged exposition. There is another reason for a sense of satisfaction with this species. I managed to record the sound of the Common Shelduck. The water in the bay was calm, but waves beating against the shore spoil the recording a bit. The Shellduck produce other kinds of sound apart from the ones presented here, especially when they take off and land (when I took their photos). The present gallery include these dynamic shots. I believe the quintessence of every bird gallery is showing photos of birds on flight. This time I was successful at creating such a gallery.
Last minute news 08/2014
As I was waiting for the Eurasian curlew, quite unexpectedly a young shelduck appeared in front of my lens. It was so close that I could hear it searching for food, straining it through the inshore water. I uploaded a few photos.
Last minute news 06/2016
After a few hours of waiting at a small reservoir at the edge of a Mongolian village, I had pictures of black-winged stilts, pied avocets, a garganey and common shelducks. I took so many interesting pictures of the common shelduck that I could rebuilt its gallery.
Last minute news- Italy-SARDINIA – 04/2018
It happened a few times in Sardinia that shelducks appeared in front of the lookout in a group of a dozen or so individuals. Watching how they behave while mating, their scuffles, quarrels, was an interesting activity in anticipation of flamingos. A new recording of their sounds was also created and the gallery was supplemented with new photos.

Mongolia - wykaz j.ANGIELSKI


Mongolia - introductory text - Pallas's sandgrouse
Birds-new galleries:
1. Pallas's Sandgrouse (T,V),2.Himalayan Vulture (T)3.Pallas's Sea-Eagle.(T)4.Demoiselle Crane(T).5.Upland Buzzard (T). 6.Siberian Scoter (T).7.Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush (T).8.Saker falcon.9.Golden Eagle.10.Azure Tit (T,V).11.Horned Lark  (T,V).12.Red-billed Chough (T,V).13.Mongolian Lark (T).14.Mongolian Herring Gull (T,G).15.Bar-headed Goose (T, V).16.Amur Falcon (T,V).17.Rock Sparrow (T,V).18.Pine Bunting (T,V).19.Desert Wheatear (T,V).20. Merlin (T).21.Isabelline Shrike (T).22.White-crowned Penduline-Tit (T,V). 23.Oriental plover (T). 24.Citrine wagtail (T). 25.Greater Sand Plover (T).26.Red-crested pochard (T).27.Daurian redstart (T).28.Eastern marsh harrier (T).29.Swan Goose (T).30.Dusky Warbler.31.Taiga Flycatcher.32.Pacific Swift.33.Thick-billed warbler. 34.Asian brown flycatcher.35.Daurian jackdaw.36. Richard's Pipit. 37.Garganey. 38..Asian Short-toed Lark.
Mamals-new galleries:
1. Przewalski's Horse (T). 2.Long-tailed ground squirrel (T,V). 3.Mongolian gazelle (T).4. Corsac fox (T).5.Bactrian camel (T).6.Yak (T).7.Bobak Marmot (T).8.Mongolian Pika.
Reptile-new galleries: 
1. Variegated toadhead agama. 2. Steppes Ratsnakes (T).
Amphibian : Mongolian toad
Changes in birds galleries: 
1.Cinereous Vulture (T) 2.Black Kite (T,V).3.Buff-browed Warbler(T,G).4.Olive-backed Pipit (T,V).5.Litle Stint (T).6.Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler (T).7.Eurasian Hobby(T).8.Siberian Rubythroat (T,V).9.Carrion Crow (T,V).10.Pallas's Leaf Warbler (T).11.Black-winged Stilt. 12.Ruddy Shelduck (T).13.Kentish Plover (T).14.Grey Heron (T).15.Eurasian Hoopoe(T).16.Griffon vulture (T).17.Arctic Warbler.18.Common swift.19.Common Shelduck.20.Whooper swan.21.Bearded vulture(T).22.Steppe eagle.23. Horned grebe.24.White-winged Tern.25.Pied avocet. 26.Isabelline wheatear. 27.Ruddy turnstone.28.Cormorant. 29.Northern Wheatear.30.Common goldeneye.31.Common redshank. 32.Eurasian Tree Sparrow. 33.Eurasian skylark.
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