It is impressive and shocking at its size. It is most associated with nightjars, but these are up to 100 grams. Northern potoo weighs less than 300 grams. The silhouette froze this one, but sitting in the sun all day is amazing (over 30 C). Fortunately, clouds appeared on that day and less contrasting photos were taken. Potoo practically did not move, any attempt to approach him could have resulted in his departure, I stopped at this commemorative photo. Of course, without the indication of our guide, the presented photo would not have been created, because there was one bird position on the long route.
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

DOMINIKANA -spis gatunków EN


Dominican Republic introduction text - Broad-billed Tody
New gallerys:

1. Broad-billed Tody (E,T,V). 2. Antillean Mango (T,E,V). 3. Vervain Hummingbird (T). 4. Hispaniolan Trogon (T,V,E). 5. Antillean Euphonia (E,V). 6.Hispaniolan Parakeet (E,V). 7.Narrow-billed Tody (E,V). 8. Loggerhead Kingbird. 9.Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo (V). 10.Black-crowned Palm-Tanager (E).11. Antillean Siskin (V,E). 12.Stolid Flycatcher(V,E). 13.Hispaniolan Woodpecker (E,V). 14. Palmchat (T,E,V). 15.Flat-billed Vireo (E). 16 Hispaniolan Emerald (T). 17.Pine Warbler. 18.Hispaniolan Nightjar (E). 19.Least Sandpiper (PL,T). 20.Hispaniolan Palm Crow (E,V). 21. Eastern Chat-Tanager (E,V). 22. Rufous-throated Solitaire (V,T,E).  23. Ashy-faced Owl (E). 24.Ridgway's Hawk (E). 25.Mangrove Cuckoo. 26.Hispaniolan Pewee (E). 27. Hispaniolan Spindalis (E). 28. Antillean Piculet (E). 29. Hispaniolan Crossbill (E,V). 30. Northern Potoo (T). 31. Semipalmated Sandpiper (PL,T). 32. White-cheeked Pintail. 33. American Yellow Warbler. 34. White-necked Crow (E,V). 35. Greater Antillean Bullfinch. 36. Olive-throated Parakeet. 37. La Selle Thrush (E,T). 38. Hispaniolan Oriole (E) 39. Black-faced Grassquit. 40. Antillean Palm-Swift. 41. Hispaniolan Parrot (E). 42. Green-tailed Warbler (E). 43. Orange-crowned Warbler. 44. Red-tailed Hawk. 45. Mourning Warbler.
1.Rhinoceros iguana. 2. Puerto Rican crested anole.
Changes in galleries:
1.Tricolored Heron. 2.Killdeer. 3.Bananaquit (T,V). 4.Black-and-white Warbler (T). 5.Cape May Warbler. 6.Smooth-billed Ani (V). 7.Black-throated Blue Warbler. 8.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 9.Northern Parula. 10.Northern Mockingbird. 11.Prairie Warbler. 12.American Redstart. 13.Ovenbird. 14.Turkey Vulture. 15.Red-legged Thrush (T). 16.Grey Plover (PL). 17.Feral pigeons (PL,T). 18.Black-crowned Night Heron (PL). 19.Royal Tern (T,V). 20.Willet. 21.Lesser Yellowlegs (PL,T). 22.Magnificent Frigatebird (T). 23.American Kestrel. 24.Little Blue Heron. 25.Greater Yellowlegs (PL,T). 26.Black-necked Stilt. 27.Short-billed Dowitcher. 28.Greater Antillean Grackle. 29.Green Heron. 30. West Indian Whistling-Duck. 31.Snowy Egret. 32.Great Egret (PL). 33. Least Grebe.
Green iguana

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Ecuador 09/2023-introductory text- Andean Cock-of-the-rock
News galery:

1.Andean Cock-of-the-rock(T,V). 2.Toucan Barbet. 3.Long-wattled Umbrellabird. 4.Masked Trogon. 5.Rufous-breasted Antthrush. 6.Torrent Duck. 7.Orange-cheeked Parrot. 8.Hoatzin(V).  9.Sunbittern(T). 10.Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan(V). 11.Glistening-green Tanager. 12.White-capped Dipper. 13.Red-bellied Macaw. 14.Cobalt-winged Parakeet(V). 15.Black Skimmer. 16.Golden-rumped Euphonia. 17. Crimson-rumped Toucanet. 18.Golden Tanager. 19.Golden-bellied Grosbeak. 20.Sparkling Violetear(T).21.Collared Inca(T). 22.Tyrian Metaltail(T). 23.Pink-throated Brilliant(T). 24.Sapphire-vented Puffleg(T). 25.Purple-throated Woodstar(T). 26.Mountain Velvetbreast(T). 27.Buff-winged Starfrontlet(T). 28.Andean Emerald(T). 29.Booted Racket-tail(T). 30.Brown Violetear(T). 31.White-whiskered Hermit(T). 32.Violet-tailed Sylph(T). 33.Purple-bibbed Whitetip 34.Fawn-breasted Brilliant(T). 35.Buff-tailed Coronet(T). 36.Brown Inca(T). 37.Velvet-purple Coronet(T). 38.Gorgeted Sunangel(T). 39.Tawny-bellied Hermit(T). 40.White-tailed Hillstar(T). 41.Speckled Hummingbird(T). 42.Empress Brilliant(T). 43.Ecuadorian Hillstar(TT). 44.Green-crowned Woodnymph(T). 45.Shining Sunbeam(T). 46.Black-tailed Trainbearer(T). 47.Rainbow-bearded Thornbill(T). 48.Violet-fronted Brilliant(T). 49.Sword-billed Hummingbird(T). 50.Bronzy Inca(T). 51.Blue-mantled Thornbill(T). 52.Gorgeted Woodstar(T). 53.Wire-crested Thorntail(T). 54.Chestnut-breasted Coronet(T). 55.Tourmaline Sunangel(T). 56.Giant Hummingbird(TT). 57.White-bellied Woodstar(T). 58.Golden-tailed Sapphire. 59.Black-crowned Tityra. 60.Yellow-breasted Antpitta(T). 61.Giant Antpitta. 62.Moustached Antpitta. 63.Ochre-breasted Antpitta. 64.Chestnut-crowned Antpitta. 65.Rufous antpitta. 66.White-lored Antpitta(V). 67.Plain-backed Antpitta. 68.Chestnut-fronted Macaw. 69.Yellow-rumped Cacique. 70. White-throated Screech-Owl. 71.Great Horned Owl. 72.Band-bellied Owl. 73.Vermiculated Screech-Owl. 74.Tawny-bellied screech owl. 75.Black-crested Warbler. 76.Little Woodpecker. 77.Ladder-tailed Nightjar. 78.Lettered Aracari. 79.Montane Woodcreeper. 80.Sungrebe. 81.Black-capped Donacobius. 82.Rufescent Tiger-Heron. 83.Black-mandibled Toucan. 84.Golden-collared Toucanet. 85.Red-crested Cotinga. 86.Andean Lapwing. 87.Carunculated Caracara. 88.Laughing Falcon. 89.Rufous-throated Tanager. 90.Black-billed Treehunter. 91.Ecuadorian Thrush. 92.Beryl-spangled Tanager. 93.Streak-capped Treehunter. 94.Equatorial Motmot (Andean Motmot). 95.Thick-billed Euphonia. 96.Flame-faced Tanager. 97.Golden-headed Quetzal(V). 98.Barred Fruiteater. 99.Eared Dove. 100.Great Thrush.101.Baudo Guan. 102.Rufous-naped Brush-Finch. 103.Masked Flowerpiercer. 104.White-sided Flowerpiercer. 105.Blue-capped Tanager. 106.Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager. 107.Blue-winged Mountain-tanager. 108.Flame-rumped Tanager. 109.Golden-naped Tanager. 110.Bronze-green Euphonia. 111.Black-capped Tanager. 112.Dusky bush tanager. 113. Orange-bellied Euphonia. 114.Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager. 115.Palm Tanager. 116.Blue-necked Tanager.117.Yellow-billed Cacique. 118.Russet-backed Oropendola(G). 119.White-throated Quail-Dove. 120.White-lined Tanager. 121.Yellow-olive Flycatcher. 122.Golden-crowned Flycatcher. 123.Three-striped Warbler. 124.Ornate Flycatcher. 125.Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner. 126.Tawny-breasted Flycatcher. 127.Wedge-billed Woodcreeper. 128.Orange-breasted Fruiteater. 129.Olive-crowned Yellowthroat. 130.Golden-collared Honeycreeper. 131.Moss-backed Tanager. 132.Black-striped Sparrow. 133.Yellow-billed Pintail. 134.Andean Teal. 135.Many-striped Canastero. 136.Chestnut-winged Cinclodes. 137.Azara's Spinetail. 138.Glossy-black Thrush. 139.Plumbeous Sierra-Finch. 140.Tricolored Brush-Finch. 141.Western Fire-eye . 142.Plumbeous Pigeon. 143.Black-banded Crake. 144.Turquoise Jay. 145.Blue-rumped Manakin. 146.Blue-headed Parrot (V). 147.Crested Oropendola. 148.Bar-bellied Woodpecker. 149.Gilded barbet. 150.Deep-blue flowerpiercer. 151.Yellow-tufted Woodpecker. 152.Black-faced Antbird. 153.Speckled Chachalaca. 154.Black-and-white Seedeater. 155.Greater Ani(V). 156.Cynoberek. 157.Ringed Kingfisher. 158.Red-capped Cardinal. 159.Lesser Kiskadee. 160.Grey-breasted Crake(V). 161.Scarlet-crowned Barbet. 162.Vermilion Flycatcher. 163.Cinereous Conebill. 164.Blue-and-yellow Tanager. 165.White-winged Brush-Finch. 166.Cocoi Heron. 167.White-banded Swallow. 168.Giant Cowbird. 169.Drab Water-Tyrant. 170.Buff-breasted Sandpiper. 171.Large-billed Tern. 172.Black Caracara. 173.White-eared Jacamar. 174.Pale-vented Pigeon. 175.Southern Mealy Parrot. 176.Dusky-headed Parakeet. 177.Cliff flycatcher(V). 178.Yellow-browed Sparrow. 179.Black-headed Parrot. 180.Baird's sandpiper.181.Swallow-wing.182.Western Emerald. 
1.Central American agouti. 2.White-tailed deer. 3.Proboscis bat. 4.White-tailed titi monkey(V).
Changes in the galery BIRDS:
1.Andean Condor(T). 2.Scarlet Macaw. 3.Black Vulture. 4.White-necked Jacobin (T). 5.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (T). 6.Broad-billed Motmot. 7.Inca Jay. 8.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 9.Spotted Sandpiper. 10.Slate-throated Redstart. 11.Chestnut capped Brush Finch. 12.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 13.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 14.Green Thorntail. 15.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 16.Northern Potoo. 17.Tropical Parula. 18.Squirrel Cuckoo. 19.Collared Aracari. 20.Saffron Finch. 21.Black-faced Ibis. 22.Bananaquit. 23.Black Phoebe. 24.Swallow-tailed Kite. 25.Green Hermit. 26.Smooth-billed Ani. 27.Common tody-flycatcher. 28.Roadside Hawk. 29.Striated Heron. 30.Wattled Jacana. 31.Limpkin. 32.Blue-and-white Swallow. 33.Snail Kite. 34.Green Ibis. 35.Lineated Woodpecker. 36.Purple Gallinule. 37.Southern lapwing. 38.Cattle Egret. 39.Tropical Mockingbird. 40.Great Egret. 41.Tropical Kingbird. 42.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. 43.Rufous-collared Sparrow.


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