
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1151 - 1160 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 116 of 257
Hispaniolan Woodpecker
Bardzo dobre
New Zealand
Bardzo dobre
Hoffmann's Woodpecker
Hong Kong

The fact that I decided to set up a gallery for Hong Kong among countries, it is not a mistake. Traveling to Hong Kong (2013) you do not need a visa. But if you feel like going shopping to neighboring Chinese cities it means going abroad, and you need to be in possession of a visa. Passport control and all formalities – like at the national borders. Crossing the border (barbed wires, high walls) recalls going through all the formalities at the border checkpoint between East and West Berlin.

Bardzo dobre
Hong Kong Park
Hooded Crow

Because of its everyday occurrence in Poland, hooded crow is an easy object to photograph, but taking good photos involve good lighting conditions. Similarly to Western Jackdaws and Ravens, avoiding high contrasts, and using restrained, fairly intense light, will allow you to show the beauty of this bird. You certainly can and should practice observations and bird behaviors, to find out whether to press the shutter button, or wait a little while.

Bardzo dobre
Hooded Oriole
Hooded Siskin

It’s the third siskin species on my website. There weren’t many siskins in Argentina, but while photographing other birds, I could see a siskin every now and then in front of my lens. All in all, after a few days of photographing I managed to take a dozen or so pictures initiating a gallery of this bird.  The hooded siskin is similar in its weight and wingspan to our European siskin.

Hooded Vulture

The hooded vulture unfortunately appeared only twice in front of our camera lenses. To make matters worse both the light and the distance were not favourable. It was necessary to use converters, what can be seen in the published pictures. It did not feed together with other vultures, it is of much more fine build. Its wingspan is approximately 1.7 meter and the weight is about 2 kg. The average body weight of the white-backed vulture is about 5 kilograms, the Rueppell's griffon - less than 8 kg, and the lappet-faced vulture can exceed 9 kilograms.

Bardzo dobre
