
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1251 - 1260 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 126 of 257
Krüper's nuthatch

Kerem, at the very beginning of our meeting I said that I would not leave Turkey without pictures of the Krüper's nuthatch. I had two reasons to say so. The first and most significant one was the fact that this is the bird which is visible in the logo of Kerem’s company. So to have it in my gallery is extremely important for me. The other issue, which isn’t less important than the first one, is the fact that this bird can be encountered only in this part of the world. We went to a beautiful park, in which there were old pine trees.

La Gomera
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La Sagra's Flycatcher
La Selle Thrush

Another very shy bird in the Dominican Republic. A beautiful endemic to the Dominican Republic of which once I would like to have good photos. Unfortunately, he was close to us only when it was still dark. We got to the mountains less than an hour before sunrise. The thrushes were feeding 10-15 meters from us, as black contours were moving along the road. At sunrise, there was also an attempt to photograph the thrush in unfavorable lighting conditions - as it turned out later, it was the last attempt.

Ladder-tailed Nightjar
Landscape North Island
New Zealand
Bardzo dobre
Landscape South Island
New Zealand
Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Lanner Falcon

There were few encounters with representatives of raptors in Morocco. This made it all the more pleasing to have photographed a Lanner Falcon. As it turned out during my stay in Morocco, the reason for joy was doubled by the resulting photographs of this bird. One, that it is a beautiful bird and a new species photographed for me, and two, that I just found out that it has been included in the Polish aviafauna. This list, as I checked carefully, was expanded by 8 new species and two existing species were deleted from the list.

Lantan Island
Lapland longspur

In October 2016 Hel Peninsula was an extraordinary place to watch not only very rare species of birds belonging to Polish fauna, but also those commonly encountered. Goldcrests, Eurasian wrens, finches were in so much number that one could observe them even from a distance of one meter at some moments. At the same time we had to watch our steps, so as not to harm goldcrests or Eurasian wrens. But not only because of bird-watching it was really worth it to go there.

Bardzo dobre
