
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1181 - 1190 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 119 of 257
Iceland gull

It is pretty funny that the images of the Iceland gull go to the site after more than a year after they were completed. They were taken in Iceland. While shooting glaucous gulls bathing we did not notice that to the right an Iceland gull floated on the water. Cezary pointed it out looking through my website. Thank you, Cezary, for the tip, because this is my 551st  bird species presented on my website. Too bad, we cannot turn back the clock, I would take more pictures. Well, the gallery has a symbolic, documentary display.

Icterine Warbler

The next round in search of anthills, places where green woodpecker feeds, ended up in creating this gallery. This is a rather peculiar place, which looks like a beautiful forest with a fairly large ponds, but also has the features of a city park with numerous paths and walkers. Maybe that's why the warbler who preyed in the tree let me take pictures from a distance of several meters despite I was not camouflaged at all. These photos have initiated this gallery.
Last minute news 05/2016

Bardzo dobre
Iguazu - flora
Iguazú - waterfall
Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre

Z ostatniej chwili-12/2017-Tanzania
Z ostaniej chwili-11/12-2022- Botswana

Bardzo dobre
Imperial shag

Well, the first pictures of the blue-eyed cormorant were taken while on a short cruise around the islands surrounding Ushuaia. Although with quite a distance, but I could photograph there blue-eyed cormorants and rock cormorants. At that time I did not know that I would have so few opportunities to observe the rock cormorants and to take photos. Blue-eyed cormorants also occurred in Antarctica and the pictures were taken in these two places.

Bardzo dobre
Inca Dove
Inca Jay

Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Bardzo dobre
Indian Cormorant
Indian flying fox

Now, I have the first gallery that presents the world upside down. I took photos of the Indian flying fox in the Townsville park. They appeared in a small group and were behaving quietly and calmly. It is the first flying mammal that has been included in my gallery. At first sight it seems to be a gentle creature; it only appears menacing when it shows off its teeth. The teeth make the bat resemble a fox. It mainly feeds on fruit and is active during the day.
Last minute news-10/2018 Sri Lanka

Bardzo dobre
