
Alphabetical list

Galeries 371 - 380 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 38 of 258
Blue-headed Parrot
Blue-headed Quail-Dove
Bardzo dobre
Blue-mantled Thornbill

Hummingbirds-text common to species photographed in Ecuador

Blue-naped Mousebird
Blue-necked Tanager
Blue-rumped Manakin
Blue-tailed Bee-eater

The two species of bee-eaters created on my side have been complimented with two new species I took pictures of while on my trip to Thailand: the blue-tailed bee-eater and the green bee-eater - unfortunately of documentary quality. The photos were taken without camouflaging and bee-eaters did not allow me to reduce the distance to be able to take better pictures. I had several opportunities to encounter green bee-eaters and therefore such an interesting gallery could be created.

Bardzo dobre
Blue-throated Barbet

My attempts to capture Asian barbets in Thailand ended in a complete failure. I didn’t manage to take a single satisfactory picture of any of the 4 barbet species which I photographed. They would always appear on tops of tall trees, what is more, there was always sky in the background and even converters and framing did not help. The distance was so huge that I wasn’t able to take good quality photos. Asian barbets do not belong to large birds. The length of their body is about 20-30 cm. They live in Asia south of the Himalayas.

Blue-winged Goose

It was extreme photography for me. That was the 1st time i took pictures above 4100 meters. It was difficult to me, because of the oxygen and my health problems. It was a huge physical effort for me to hold my camera even for a few seconds. First day was difficult to me. Second one wasn’t that bad. I think i got used to it. Fortunately we saw blue - winged goose in this area in a few places. It created some great photos for a new gallery of this endemic duck.


Bardzo dobre
Blue-winged Kookaburra

The Blue-winged Kookaburra could be seen only once. Fortunately two blue-winged kookaburras were sitting quietly posing for photos. Most likely it was a couple, because the male had a tail colored in blue, while the female - less colorful, brown.  In size they did not differ from the Laughing Kookaburra.

