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Black-necked Stilt

It appears mostly north of Costa Rica, but for winter time it migrates from North America to Costa Rica, and further to the south. The birds appeared in small flocks, sometimes one could see pairs of birds peacefully seeking for food at the river bank. “Peacefully” is quite an unusual term, if we take the surrounding environment into consideration. The birds walked in the vicinity of crocodiles resting in the sunshine. Apparently, they were too small a meal and thus not worth attention of a crocodile, so that they didn’t have to fear.

Black-Necked Swan

Pictures that are shown in this gallery where taken during the only contact with these birds. The light was far from perfect, but I managed to take a lot of pictures of the bird which is probably not so common in Argentina. Although the trip was very varied, it did not happened to see the black-necked swans for the second time. In silhouettes and behavior they are very similar to our mute swans, or whooper swans but much smaller than them. They have a wingspan of about 1.7 meters, and body weight of 4-5 kilograms.

Black-necked Weaver

Tanzania - 12/2017
Last minute news-02/2023-Gambia

Black-rumped Flameback
Bardzo dobre
Black-shouldered Kite

The Black-shouldered Kite or else a short story about how the gallery was created based practically on one approach. Before leaving for Australia I read about the Black-shouldered Kite and found its distinctness about coloration so strange that it seemed very interesting to have such images in the gallery. For a bird with almost white plumage more natural habitat should be in winter climate, but here we have in hot Australia a raptor of such a plumage.

Black-striped Sparrow
Black-tailed Godwit

5 a.m., beautiful, sunny morning, by appearance, a common, quite wet meadow. Omnipresent dew on the grass. Surrounding, a dirt and an asphalt road, some buildings afar, silhouettes of some birds. Magic of this place is beginning to cast its charm as we get closer to the meadow. There is a whole colony of Black-tailed Godwits living there. Despite being estimated that there are couple of thousands of Black-tailed Godwits in Poland they are very hard to meet, not to mention photograph. Godwit is quite a big bird from a family of Sandpipers.

Bardzo dobre
Black-tailed Trainbearer

Hummingbirds-text common to species photographed in Ecuador

Black-throated Barbet
Black-throated Blue Warbler

Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

Bardzo dobre
