
Alphabetical list

Galeries 381 - 390 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 39 of 258
Blue-winged Minla
Blue-winged Mountain-tanager
Blue-winged Teal

Well, I was trying to take pictures of the bluethroat, unfortunately with no success. It is hard not to appreciate the charm and beautiful singing of the bird. So finally I have two more reasons for  taking pictures to initiate the species on my website. Well, there was an opportunity in the Netherlands, when I was taking baillon’s crake it had a break in the midday and was less active so I could  take pictures of a bluethroat, among others.

Blyth's Leaf-warbler

I managed to photograph several species of warblers while on a trip to Thailand. It was not easy taking into account all the difficulties in photographing them. Mainly they stayed quite far in the treetops and to make matters worse they were very busy. Often before the camera focused automatically, the bird had gone. Their small size (about 10 grams - three times lighter than a sparrow) did not make the task any easier. Birds often were hidden behind needles or leaves. Taking pictures was only one of the difficulties but the real problem was how to identify them.

Blyth's reed warbler

I have literally déjà vu from the photo session of the Blyth's reed warbler. Five years and eleven days ago, thanks to Robert, I photographed the Greenish warbler not far from the center of Poznań. This time, a few hundred meters from the place where I photographed it, on the Warta in Poznań, thanks to Robert, I also managed to record a voice and photograph the Blyth's reed warbler. Robert greetings and thanks !. Thanks to you, I was able to take pictures for the gallery of Blyth's reed warbler. A species that is increasingly observed in Poland.

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Boat-billed Flycatcher
Boat-billed Heron

Quite amazing and a unique bird because of its massive, as for a bird of the family Ardeidae, beak. It happened to me twice that I met boat-billed heron. The first occasion was pretty funny, when I think of it now from today’s perspective of writing this text in a safe place. Our guide drove us to the edge of the wetland mangrove forest. He warned us that mosquitoes in a large number could be found there and we had better protect ourselves (long sleeves, insect repellents).

Bobak Marmot

Several hours of waiting for bobak marmots in a place where they were supposed to appear were in vain. However, as it happens in nature photography, one must have a little bit of luck. Unfortunately this luck was limited to one picture of a marmot in the place where we photographed the Przewalski’s horse. The bobak marmot looked at me for a while, after which it disappeared in its den and that’s how my encounter with this species ended…
Last minute news-05-2024 – Kazakhstan

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Bohemian waxwing

Finally, waxwings appeared after three years of waiting, and where? There were here, in Poznań. A few days frosts made the birds fly down, and it was quite a large group of them. At times there were between 100 and 200 individuals. Before 8 o’clock it was not yet good light for shooting, but it was a great opportunity to record voices of the birds. Birds were sitting in the crowns of tall trees, and every few minutes they were flying down to rowans in great numbers.

