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Galeries 341 - 350 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 35 of 258
Black-winged pratincole

A few, unfortunately documentary pictures, initiated a new gallery of the black-winged patincole on my website. I hope that these pictures will help Artur in the final identification of this bird. Artur congratulations on the observation. Unfortunately, the bird was always quite far, the temperature was nearly 40C and I failed to take better photos. All pictures were taken with a  600 mm lens with converter 2X and still  a substantial   crop was necessary. The photos of the flying bird were taken with a manual focus.

Black-winged Stilt

The photographs of Black-winged Stilt created in Malta (04/2015) are not as good as those created in Australia and New Zealand, due to the distance that separated us. Nevertheless, they initiated a gallery of this species on my website.
Last minute news – 07/2015
While waiting for the  baillon’s crake I managed to take several pictures  of the black-winged stilt. Unfortunately, it was a bit too far, but as it is not a common spices in the Netherlands, I added a few pictures.

Blackcap Babbler
Blackish Oystercatcher

The only shot taken during a trip around Ushuaia. Fortunately focused well. For me it is an important photo, because it is the fourth species of oystercatcher on my site.

Blacksmith Lapwing

So far I managed to photograph four species of lapwings during my travels - in Poland, in Australia, in Thailand and in Argentina. Whereas, only one trip to South Africa was enough for watching  and taking pictures of the blacksmith lapwing, the black-winged lapwing and the wattled lapwing, three new species of lapwings. It is a pity that not all pictures are good. Only the blacksmith lapwing was not skittish and I was able to take enough photos for a full, interesting gallery.

Bardzo dobre
Blond-crested Woodpecker

This species was also photographed near the Iguazu waterfall. The place was interesting and amazing, because in a small space, in a small time interval, it was possible to photograph toucans and several species of woodpeckers. Among others also a yellow-backed woodpecker. The weight of this woodpecker is about 150 grams, and the wingspan is 30 cm.

Blue Manakin

This species is a beautiful adornment of the rainforest, especially males are very colorful. Olive-green females are hardly noticeable in the green forest. Males have a beautiful plumage but they are very skittish and it takes some luck and dexterity to capture this bird. Males are a little larger than females and their body length reaches up to 15 cm. An intriguing and beautiful gallery has been created. I invite you to take a look.

Blue Bustard

Bustards are the birds that are my favorite and I absolutely admire them. However in South Africa we only once could encounter the representatives of these birds and it was thanks to my observation. Unfortunately, after we had stopped the car the blue bustards  that were hidden in the grass took to flight, and it was the moment when the presented photos were taken. And that was it, we did not see  blue bustards in South Africa any more. The gallery, however, must be created for two reasons.

Blue Crane

Adding another species of crane on my website is really something special for me. And adding so rare species of crane is a reason to be doubly delighted. Unfortunately, the picture quality leaves much to be desired, but I had only one opportunity to encounter with these birds and it did not last long. There were not many of them in the area and they have always been seen at great distance, as the inhabitants of the surroundings said.

Blue Dacnis
