
Alphabetical list

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Deep-blue Flowerpiercer
Demoiselle Crane
Bardzo dobre
Desert Lark

See You the introductory text in the gallery (link)- White-tailed Wheatear

Bardzo dobre
Desert Sparrow

Africa has once again positively surprised me. Morocco much different from my previous trips to Africa,  Tanzania or Botswana. Those who would go on safari in Morocco would quickly realise that this is not Africa. The animals so associated with Africa are no longer here. Instead, it is possible to travel along comfortable tarmac roads and enjoy camel rides or snowboarding on snow or sand, if you prefer. On snow, this is made possible by the high Atlas Mountains where, even in March, there was enough snow to keep the slopes crowded.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Desert Warthog
Desert Wheatear

It took us some time to find this bird. It is not so easy on the Gobi Desert. Generally, if the terrain was diversified with little rocks or a hill, it was worth looking there for a desert wheatear. I sat peacefully on such a hill without camouflage and it happened that the bird would fly near me, interested in the change that has occurred in its environment. Naturally it was a little bit too far to take a very good photo, especially that its plumage is difficult to present adequately.

Bardzo dobre
Dickinson's Kestrel
Dideric Cuckoo

South Africa-02/2017
Last minute-11/12-2022-Botswana


 I must admit to having been particularly lucky about being able to see the dingo. Being a predator, it has more highly developed senses  than humans and it must have been the first one to notice us and to decide to let us see it. Like the koala and the kangaroo, it is a well-known symbol of Australia. It can pride itself on being the largest predator on the Australian continent. It belongs to the Canidae family and can weigh more than 20 kilograms. Despite being the biggest predator in Autrialia, his species is endangered with extinction.


So far I have not been lucky about dollarbirds.  An open air session in Spain was interesting due to a quarrel between the Lesser Kestrel and the European Roller about a nest box and dynamic images could be taken, but a concrete pole and sky in the background are the least desired elements of the landscape that you want to see in nature photography. Well, here in Australia it was not much better. The Oriental Dolarbird could be seen several times, but always in the same circumstances.

