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Galeries 651 - 660 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 66 of 258
Crested Francolin

In South Africa there are probably 8 species of francolins that are very similar in their behavior to our partridges. We could see them always for the second or two, and that was it when it comes to possibility of shooting these timid birds. I do not have separate stories for each species of francolins, because the scenario was always the same. But it is worth mentioning that the natal francolin and the grey-winged francolin are endemic to South Africa, so the value of these galleries increases, and probably these galleries will never change.

Bardzo dobre
Crested guan
Crested Guineafowl
Bardzo dobre
Crested Hawk-Eagle
Crested Honey Buzzard
Crested Lark

I took my first photos of the crested lark in winter. The bird wasn’t very skittish. I was approaching it slowly, while it was observing me from the corner of its eye, always keeping a distance of about 10 meters, but never moving away too far. It does not belong to colorful birds, but it can be easily distinguished by the crest on its head. It is a little bigger than a sparrow. Its body mass is about 50 grams, with a wingspan not exceeding 30 cm.
Last minute news - Turkey2 - 08/2014

Bardzo dobre
Crested Oropendola
Crested Pigeon

The Crested Pigeon is probably quite popular in Australia. It reminds our Collared Dove in size and the extent of occurrence although is slightly larger than it. Our Collared Dove is of course an invasive species, the Crested Pigeon is a species endemic to Australia. I took photos of them in urban surroundings in Sydney and in the heart of Australia in Uluru. Because of its charm and color it  is also bred in aviaries.

Crested serpent eagle
Crested Tit

It is a very characteristic tit among our ones, because of a crest on its head. Its small weight does not exceed 20 grams with a wingspan of around 20 centimeters. Unfortunately, it can be rarely observed. I have managed to take pictures of a Crested Tit only in the forest. Although, I feed the birds in the winter I have never spotted it in the feeder. Its cousins Great and Blue Tits sometimes arrive in whole flocks, especially Great Tits.
Last minute news / 04/2014 Sweden

Bardzo dobre
