
Alphabetical list

Galeries 631 - 640 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 64 of 258
Common wallaroo

 It is much smaller than the eastern grey kangaroo and is only half its weight. It inhabits almost the entire territory of Australia apart from its southern regions. Its reproduction cycle resembles that of the grey eastern kangaroo. The common wallaroo is resistant to lack of water. He can dig the ground in search of water. Unfortunately, it is a rare species of animal, as I met it only once. That is why there are few photos of it in my collection.

Common warthog

South Africa- 02/2017
Last minute news-Tanzania-12/2017
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Bardzo dobre
Common Waxbill

Tanzania - 12/2017
Last minute news – 05/2021 Madeira

Common Whitethroat

I wish the Common Whitethroat co-operated better than the Common Grasshopper Warbler and the European Stonechat on the May morning of 2014. It kept at a distance and the gallery, as a result, is not as impressive as the galleries of the other two species. Still, it is a new species in my gallery and it will be expanded in the future. The Common Whitethroats have the wingspan of some 22 centimeters and the weight of about a dozen grams.

Last minute news- 07/2015

Bardzo dobre
Common Wood Pigeon

It is a large pigeon. Its weight can reach 0.5 kg, with a wingspan of about 75 cm. It is quite easy to photograph. Although it keeps a certain distance from a human, it feeds on the ground and has quite a large size, which makes it a good object to photograph, especially that more and more often it can be found in urban areas, in parks and gardens.
Last minute news - 04/2014

Bardzo dobre
Common Yellowthroat
Coppersmith Barbet

My attempts to capture Asian barbets in Thailand ended in a complete failure. I didn’t manage to take a single satisfactory picture of any of the 4 barbet species which I photographed. They would always appear on tops of tall trees, what is more, there was always sky in the background and even converters and framing did not help. The distance was so huge that I wasn’t able to take good quality photos. Asian barbets do not belong to large birds. The length of their body is about 20-30 cm. They live in Asia south of the Himalayas.

Coppery-tailed Coucal
Coqui Francolin

If I managed to avoid mistakes in identification, seven species of francolines were photographed in Tanzania (handsome francolin, red-necked spurfowl, crested francolin, coqui francolin, Hildebrandt's francolin, grey-breasted spurfowl and yellow-necked spurfowl - a passage common to all these galleries). We joked that a day without a francolin was a lost day. They were appearing every so often and were quite skittish. Sometimes patience paid off as the birds came out of the thicket and better photos were taken.


The images that open this gallery have never been the result of cormorants photographic "ambush" or of waiting for long time in the lookouts. Portrait photos of the cormorant were taken during cycling tour along Hel Peninsula. The bird sat with a solid heavy crop, lazy so much that allowed me to come a few meters up and take the pictures. In addition, I have managed to take a few shots that are a record in fact. Great cormorant weights up to 3.5 kilograms, with a wingspan of about 1.5 meters.
Last minute news 09/2013

Bardzo dobre
