
Alphabetical list

Galeries 621 - 630 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 63 of 258
Common Sandpiper

I won’t tell you a lot about this bird, its habits or its occurrence, as I haven’t had an opportunity to observe it. The pictures performed are the only photos of this species that I have taken, and they are rather documentary. It has a wingspan of about 30 cm, and weight of 30 g. I hope that the quality of this gallery and my knowledge of these birds will improve with time.
Last minute news - 04/2014

Bardzo dobre
Common scoter

During the winter cruise on the Baltic Sea we managed to shoot two new species: the velvet scoter  and the common scoter. While there were velvet scoters in a great number it was much easier to take them quite good photos. Both velvet and common scoters were very skittish. The gallery of common scoters as a documentary one gets one star in my “star rating”, but it should be noticed because it is my first encounter with the representatives of this species, belonging to the Polish fauna in addition (329/452).
Last minute news - 11/2017

Common Shelduck

As usual, during workships and especially on a trip something unexpected must happen. This time, the surprise that took us aback was the Common Shelduck. Such nice surprises are likely to happen in Sweden, especially before you travel by ferry. The Shelducks were within the range of my lenses. It was more difficult to approach Common Eiders and Cormorans. On the shore, we spotted two couples of Shelducks. One of them was rather timid and took off almost immediately. The other couple kept some distance let us take some photos of them. This is a beautiful bird.

Bardzo dobre
Common Snipe

For a few months (08/13) I have not presented any worthy news. The more satisfaction brought me being on the lookout in wet meadows where you could get the impression of finding yourself in another, more beautiful reality, needless to say about pictures. The marshy meadow surrounded by arable fields look ordinarily, as usual. But several minutes after camouflaging in lying position, you can see the views unavailable without masking. Wagtails, plovers, wood sandpiper or swallows can be seen on a small patch of the marshy meadow every now and then.

Bardzo dobre
Common Starling

The biggest pain in the neck of our gardeners, at least for those, who have cherry, wild cherry or plump gardens. Common Starlings can gather in big heros, so the damage caused by their prey can be big. From the distance its inconspicuous contour, but at close quarters it reveals its charm of paradise shining hues of green, navy blue, violet and brown mixed with white dots. Unfortunately, it is hard to take photo, despite its huge occurence in our country. Intense, contrast light blurs these colors, similarly to a Raven and a rook.

Bardzo dobre
Common swift

Well, the common swift joins my gallery, but with documentary, symbolic quality. When I was taking photos of the baillon’s crake, or rather when I was waiting hours and hours for its appearance, there was enough time to try to get some pictures of the common swift. Though they were everywhere in abundance, capturing them on pictures is a big challenge. The common swift spends most of its life flying. On the ground it can be seen only during the breeding season.

Common Tailorbird

Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka

Bardzo dobre
Common Tern

Some documentary photos made ​​on the breeding ponds is the starting gallery of the home tern. If the terns do not leave these ponds, you can be certain that there will be changes in the interior of the gallery. So far, the ones on my website represent this species. As befits a tern, it has an incredible wingspan, almost one meter in comparison with its body weight, which is just over 100 grams.
Last minute news - South Africa - 02/2017
Last minute news - 08/2017
I added a voice recording of Common terns.

Bardzo dobre
Common Tody-Flycatcher

Costa Rica
Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Common tree snake

The only snake I managed to capture in Australia. We did see even some bigger ones on the road, but they were dead (collisions with automobiles). Despite the fact that it is a tree snake, it allowed us to take a picture of it on the road and during an intermittent rain. Snakes are not easy to photograph as regretfully their lengthsome corpses will never be completely in focus.

