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Galeries 701 - 710 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 71 of 258
Dark-backed Sibia
Dark-bellied Cinclodes

The range of the dark-bellied cinclodes is similar to the range of the Fuegian steamer duck. It lives exclusively in the south of South America (the coast of Chile and Argentina). The shooting session from my only encounter with this bird was quite strange but how fruitful. About one kilometer from the port of Ushuaia, the bird was feeding peacefully on the sea shore. I took a few photos and started to approach it slowly. The bird seemed undisturbed by our meeting and it let me come so close that despite its small size it hardly fit in the frame.

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Dark-capped Bulbul

South Africa
Last minute news-11/2022- Zambia

Dark-eyed Junco

Little smaller than a sparrow, Junco let me photograph it in Canada in only one place. “Sharp”, noon sun wasn't the best ally to take satisfying photographs. Searching through the web for the infromation on this bird I have read that it very rarely flies to Poland, and like most of the species here, is under strict protection. In behavior and coloring I would compare it to our redstart, difference being the tail's color. It is rusty for redstart and for Junco the belly side of the torso is white and the back is grey or black.

Dark-fronted Babbler
Dark-necked Tailorbird
Dark-sided Thrush

Quite an amazing and mysterious bird. It is very difficult to look for, but once you see it, and behave peacefully, the thrush begins to feed slowly. Its plumage merges with swampy bottom of a forest to such an extent that the thrush, which completely stops moving, is impossible to be noticed even from several meters. Thrushes occur in Thailand, Burma, Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam and China. They weigh about 80 grams.

Dartford warbler

Photographing birds in the Pyrenees in hides for accipitriformes usually ends at about 4 or 5 pm. The birds take advantage of air currents in order to get back to their sleeping places. Thus, until 9 pm we could wander across the area in search for other bird species. That’s how I found the dartford warbler and the cirl bunting. I also recorded the birds’ sounds.

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Daurian jackdaw
Daurian redstart

Somewhere in the Gobi Desert we found a shelter for pastured animals. Next to it, on the left side, rock sparrows and desert wheatears had their nests. Suddenly a Daurian redstart appeared under the roof. Just like us, it sought shelter from the wind. On that day the wind was so strong that it was impossible to photograph in the open air. The Daurian redstart accepted our presence and allowed us to take a series of photos. Once we laid some insect for it, it trusted us completely and approached us for a 5-7-meter distance.

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