It is a very characteristic tit among our ones, because of a crest on its head. Its small weight does not exceed 20 grams with a wingspan of around 20 centimeters. Unfortunately, it can be rarely observed. I have managed to take pictures of a Crested Tit only in the forest. Although, I feed the birds in the winter I have never spotted it in the feeder. Its cousins Great and Blue Tits sometimes arrive in whole flocks, especially Great Tits.
Last minute news / 04/2014 Sweden
It’s one of these birds that wouldn’t give the Eurasian Pygmy Owl, which perched near our tent hides while we were photographing Heather Cocks , a break. As the set of my Crested Tit trophies had been rather meager when compared with the set of my Eurasian Pygmy Owl trophies, I focused all my attention on this bird.  Thus a few photos were taken, which have changed the previous gallery of the Crested Tit radically.
Last minute news – 10/2014
I managed to take a few interesting pictures of the European Crested in a hazel grouses forest. I was very lucky because that doesn’t often happen to me.
Last minute news 04/2016
Recently I have tried several times to photograph crested tit. Unfortunately, the result was only a single images, but I believe it is time to add them to the gallery and to redesign it.
Last minute news – 06/2017
While I was looking for Ural owls I managed to take some photos of crested tits, I guess may best of those I have taken till now. The gallery has been rebuilt.
Last minute news – 09/2017
I have added some pictures taken in Spain.
Last minute news- 11/2017
I have uploaded a few photos of crested tits taken in Spain, in a passerine hide. There were many tits and blackcaps, though European crested tits and Sardinian warblers were probably most skittish.
Last minute news-09/2021
Nature continues to surprise me. It happened that in the forest I set up my shelter and waited for a tits, and as it happens with nature photography, with varying results. Meanwhile, on a warm afternoon, I go out to the terrace, and two tits are feeding on a spruce. Of course, I run to get my home camera and start taking pictures. Without masking in good light, out of hand many photos are taken from 6-7 meters. There is reason to satisfaction. In a few minutes, dozens of photos are created, which bring a great variety to the modest, so far, gallery of the Crested Tit on my website. This year was full of adjacent passerine photos in my garden. In September there was another opportunity. This time for a session with Crested Tits. The gallery has been rebuilt and goes to the news.
Last minute news – 06/2023

Hiszpania- 11/2017 ANGIELSKI

Majcz Wielki 06/2023 ANGIELSKI