I have managed to photograph a Reed Bunting twice in almost the same place, but in the following years. Once it was a male, once a female. They are very timid. On the occasion of the second session I was honestly masked and “hunting” for a Water Rail. Despite the fact that I was photographing it from a 6-7 meters distance, almost still, it looked at me for a while allowing to take couple of pictures before it flew away. Water Rail did not appear. It was a consolation and a reward for the effort put in for timing and prepraing the session. It is smaller that a Sparrow. Body mass is around 20 grams with a wingspan of around 25 centimeters.
Last minute news – 05/2014
Another gallery which radically changed its content in the spring of 2014 years. We managed to take a few pictures, although the reed bunting was not as eager to cooperate as the whinchat. There was a bigger choice. Putting the old photos and these new ones, I created a full-sized gallery on my website.
Last minute news – 05/2015
The time I have spent being on the watch resulted in new photos of common reed bunting. There was nothing happening there, and only the common reed bunting caused I did not return from hides with blank memory card. It sat on the stick near the lookout and sang loudly. It was there that I made sound recording of reed bunting for my gallery. An because I have not only  the sound recording but also some interesting photos I have rebuilt the gallery.
Last minute news 05/2015
In a small place with reeds I managed to take not only pictures of a sedge warbler but also a few of a  common reed bunting. I have added a few pictures to the gallery recently rebuilt.
Last minute news 06/2023

Majcz Wielki 06/2023 ANGIELSKI