It is most likely the biggest of the tits and probably the most numerously occuring. In the winter it is almost certain it will appear in your bird feeders, especially if we put some sunflower seeds or hang a piece of speck. It is a grateful object to photograph because of its coloring. Among Tits it only can not be surpassed by a Blue Tit. Excluded from this ranking is, rarely seen in our country and undoubtly the most beautiful of Tits, the Azure Tit, seen only in the winter. Great Tit matches a Sparrow with its size. Its weight comes up to 30 grams with a wingspan exceeding 20 centimeters.
Last minute news -10/2013
A few pictures in autumn colors were added to the gallery (see description in the gallery of European blue tit “Last minute news -10/2013”).
Last minute news - 02/2017
While in the hide I was watching for woodpeckers there appeared great tits, marshes, Eurasian blue tits, hawfinch and greenfinches at the feeders. I took so many interesting photos that galleries of these species were rebuilt.
Last minute news-02/2018
While attempting to photograph the Eurasian nuthatch in flight, I took many interesting, dynamic shots of great tits and Eurasian blue tits. Great tits were the most numerous species at the feeder. The gallery has been remodeled.
Lasty minute news-11/2019
Recently, Great Tit was the most frequent guest at feeders. There were several photos introducing variety, a dynamic gallery of Great Tit on my website..
Lasty minute news-03/2023-Morocco
Lasty minute news-06/2023
Last minute news-05-2024 – Kazakhstan
Last minute news-06-2024-Finland

Maroko-język ANGIELSKI


Morocco- introduktory text- Desert Sparrow
News galleries:
1.Desert Sparrow(T). 2.Trumpeter Finch. 3.Pharaoh Eagle-Owl. 4.Lanner Falcon(T). 5.Thick-billed Lark. 6.African Desert Warbler(V). 7.Greater Hoopoe-Lark(V). 8.Temminck's Lark. 9.Moussier's Redstart. 10.Eastern Crimson-winged Finch. 11.Western Mourning Wheatear. 12.Red-rumped Wheatear. 13.Crowned Sandgrouse(V). 14.House Bunting. 15.Bar-tailed Lark. 16.Tristram's Warbler. 17.Fulvous Chatterer(V). 18.Egyptian Nightjar. 19.Levaillant's Woodpecker. 20.Maghreb Magpie. 21.Seebohm's Wheatear.
MAMMALS: 1.Barbary sheep 2.Val's gundi.
REPITILES: Duméril's fringe-fingered lizard
1.White-tailed Wheatear(T). 2. Desert Wheatear. 3.Black wheatear.. 4.Grey Wagtail. 5.Horned Lark. 6.Little Owl. 7.Common Kestrel. 8.Thekla Lark. 9.Crested Lark. 10.African Blue Tit. 11.Short-toed Lark. 12.Red-billed Chough. 13.Yellow-billed Chough. 14.Barbary partridge. 15.Great Tit. 16.Eurasian Collared Dove. 17.Serin. 18.Black Redstart. 19.Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 20.Garden Bulbul. 21.The common chaffinch. 22.White Wagtail. 23.Rock bunting. 24.House Sparrow. 25.Brown-necked Raven. 26.Spanish sparrow. 27.Ruddy shelduck. 28.Rock pigeon. 29.Little Swift.30.Desert Lark.31.Peregrine Falcon.

MOROCCO FAUNA        SAHARA (T)                      ATLAS MOUNTAINS               MOROCCO LANDSCAPE


Majcz Wielki 06/2023 ANGIELSKI



Kazakhstan – 05/2024- introductory text – Black Lark
NEWS galery
1.Black Lark(T). 2.White-winged lark(V). 3.Bimacula  ted lark. 4. Oriental Turtle-Dove. 5. Booted Warbler.(V) 6.Paddyfield Warbler(V). 7.Red-headed Bunting(V). 8.Terek Sandpiper. 9.Turkestan Shrike. 10.Macqueen's Bustard. 11.Magellanic Plover. 12.Sykes's Warbler(V). 13.Brown Dipper(T).14.Pallid Scops-Owl 15.Grey-necked Bunting. 16.Saxaul Sparrow(V) 17.White-winged Woodpecker(V). 18.Pale-backed Pigeon. 19.Hume's Whitethroat.
MAMMALS : 1.Great gerbil. 2.Goitered gazelle.
REPTILES : 1.Russian tortoise. 2.Steppe agama. 3.Secret toadhead agama.

CHANGES in Galleries:
1.Black-bellied sandgrouse(V). 2.Pallas's gull(V). 3.Calandra Lark. 4.Lesser Grey Shrike (V). 5.Red-footed Falcon. 6. Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 7.Eurasian hobby. 8.Long-legged buzzard. 9.Marsh harrier. 10.Pallid Harrier. 11.Montagu's Harrier. 12.Black Kite. 13.Northern Wheatear. 14.Isabelline wheatear. 15.Pied Wheatear.16.Temminck's Stint. 17.Barn Swallow. 18.Blue Whistling-Thrush. 19.Rosy Starling(T,V). 20.Ruddy shelduck. 21.Demoiselle Crane. 22.Brown-necked Raven. 23.Eurasian Tree Sparrow. 24.Bluethroat. 25.Common Cuckoo. 26.Common Myna. 27.Spotted Flycatcher. 28.Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush. 29.White Wagtail. 30.Western Yellow Wagtail. 31.Citrine wagtail. 32.White-throated dipper. 33.Redstart. 34.Common Tern. 35.Caspian Tern. 36.White-winged Tern. 37.Black-tailed Godwit. 38.Greater Sand Plove. 39. Azure Tit. 40.Short-toed Lark. 41.Mediterranean Short-toed Lark. 42.Tawny Pipit. 43.Buff-browed Warbler. 44.Ortolan Bunting.... 45.Eurasian skylark. 46.Crested Lark. 47.Siberian Stonechat. 48.Wood Sandpiper. 49.Caspian Gull. 50.Red-crested pochard. 51.House Sparrow. 52.White-tailed eagle. 53.Great Tit. 54.Western Jackdaw. 55.European Roller. 56.Egyptian vulture. 57.Chukar patridge.58.Shikra(V).

Kazakhstan FAUNA        Kazakhstan FLORA         Kazakhstan KRAJOBRAZ              Kazakhstan ASTANA

Kazakhstan diaporama - YouTube