It is a shame that a Whinchat is getting harder to spot in our country, as it likes wet terrains of meadows and pastures with curvatures which are disappearing from our land. Unfortunately, I have to confirm it, I have managed to find it at the shore of the lake. It is a migrating bird, so in the Autumn/Winter time it can not be spotted in our country. It winters in Africa. Whinchat is a bit smaller than a Sparrow. Its weight comes up to 20 grams with a wingspan exceeding 20 centimeters.
Last minute news – 05/2014
The gallery of Whinchat was expanded to a fairly high degree in May, to such a degree that the gallery has changed beyond recognition and has now a full dimension. It is abundant when it comes to the amount and quality of the presented images.
Last minute news  04/2016
As it often happens when it comes to nature photography, what is planned and what one can achieve as a result are two completely different matters. Since sunrise I was sitting in my lookout point looking forward to seeing birds of prey. They probably have enough food not to yield to the temptation of specialties I prepared for breakfast for them. Had not the whinchat or the cuckoo appeared my expedition would have failed totally. All the time there was a whinchat sitting in the bush nearby and singing aloud to be heard for miles around. It was no problem to record its voice or take a few pictures at close range. This is why I have reconstructed my gallery and presented its new version in news.
Last minute news- 09/2020  Heligoland – Germany.
Last minute news 05/2022
I added some new photos and the gallery was rebuilt.