And again there was no time for capturing this bird in Poland, where it is really rare. In the Netherlands, on the contrary, it occurs commonly there, like a rook or a jackdaw in Poland. I posted a photo of a flock of carrion crows preying on a road, not really afraid of a biker that was coming up. All images were taken by the way, during the journey between a hotel and the place of shooting baillon’s crake and pied avocets. For example, the picture with a cyclist from the place where bluethroats occur. Carrion crows are found in Western Europe, and the River Elbe is said to be the natural border of their occurrence to the east. And so it is indeed. In the Netherlands they can be found almost everywhere, including gas stations, but after crossing the border and entering Germany our encounters were less and less frequent. Carrion crows reach a weight of 0.7 kilograms with a wingspan of about one meter. So they are a bit heavier than our rooks, with very similar wingspan.
Last minute news 06/2016-Mongolia
I’ve uploaded the sounds and several pictures of carrion crows from my trip to Mongolia. Carrion crows appeared every now and then in front of my lens, especially in places, where there was a bait spot and where we were awaiting predators.
Last minute news – 09/2017
I thought that in Spain, where carrion crows occur, it would be possible to take more interesting photos of these birds when shooting bearded vultures. In Poland, while photographing predators there must be magpies, common ravens or hooded crows always accompanying them. Whereas there in Spain these birds were very timid, cautious, and they were not numerous. More often and more closely they could be observed at a waterhole. Had they been so careful because of the golden eagle hunting in the area? The gallery has been rebuilt. The number of photos decreased, but the quality of the presented ones is better indeed.
Last minute news – 11/2018 - United Kingdom - Gigrin Farm
Last minute news- 09/2020  Heligoland – Germany

Mongolia - wykaz j.ANGIELSKI


Mongolia - introductory text - Pallas's sandgrouse
Birds-new galleries:
1. Pallas's Sandgrouse (T,V),2.Himalayan Vulture (T)3.Pallas's Sea-Eagle.(T)4.Demoiselle Crane(T).5.Upland Buzzard (T). 6.Siberian Scoter (T).7.Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush (T).8.Saker falcon.9.Golden Eagle.10.Azure Tit (T,V).11.Horned Lark  (T,V).12.Red-billed Chough (T,V).13.Mongolian Lark (T).14.Mongolian Herring Gull (T,G).15.Bar-headed Goose (T, V).16.Amur Falcon (T,V).17.Rock Sparrow (T,V).18.Pine Bunting (T,V).19.Desert Wheatear (T,V).20. Merlin (T).21.Isabelline Shrike (T).22.White-crowned Penduline-Tit (T,V). 23.Oriental plover (T). 24.Citrine wagtail (T). 25.Greater Sand Plover (T).26.Red-crested pochard (T).27.Daurian redstart (T).28.Eastern marsh harrier (T).29.Swan Goose (T).30.Dusky Warbler.31.Taiga Flycatcher.32.Pacific Swift.33.Thick-billed warbler. 34.Asian brown flycatcher.35.Daurian jackdaw.36. Richard's Pipit. 37.Garganey. 38..Asian Short-toed Lark.
Mamals-new galleries:
1. Przewalski's Horse (T). 2.Long-tailed ground squirrel (T,V). 3.Mongolian gazelle (T).4. Corsac fox (T).5.Bactrian camel (T).6.Yak (T).7.Bobak Marmot (T).8.Mongolian Pika.
Reptile-new galleries: 
1. Variegated toadhead agama. 2. Steppes Ratsnakes (T).
Amphibian : Mongolian toad
Changes in birds galleries: 
1.Cinereous Vulture (T) 2.Black Kite (T,V).3.Buff-browed Warbler(T,G).4.Olive-backed Pipit (T,V).5.Litle Stint (T).6.Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler (T).7.Eurasian Hobby(T).8.Siberian Rubythroat (T,V).9.Carrion Crow (T,V).10.Pallas's Leaf Warbler (T).11.Black-winged Stilt. 12.Ruddy Shelduck (T).13.Kentish Plover (T).14.Grey Heron (T).15.Eurasian Hoopoe(T).16.Griffon vulture (T).17.Arctic Warbler.18.Common swift.19.Common Shelduck.20.Whooper swan.21.Bearded vulture(T).22.Steppe eagle.23. Horned grebe.24.White-winged Tern.25.Pied avocet. 26.Isabelline wheatear. 27.Ruddy turnstone.28.Cormorant. 29.Northern Wheatear.30.Common goldeneye.31.Common redshank. 32.Eurasian Tree Sparrow. 33.Eurasian skylark.
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