The biggest pain in the neck of our gardeners, at least for those, who have cherry, wild cherry or plump gardens. Common Starlings can gather in big heros, so the damage caused by their prey can be big. From the distance its inconspicuous contour, but at close quarters it reveals its charm of paradise shining hues of green, navy blue, violet and brown mixed with white dots. Unfortunately, it is hard to take photo, despite its huge occurence in our country. Intense, contrast light blurs these colors, similarly to a Raven and a rook. It weigh less than 100 grams, with a wingspan of less than 40 cm.
Last minute news  12/2013
In the bustling everyday life it is hard to believe that to take pictures of starlings I needed the eagle’s lookout, to take some interesting shots. Of course I went there not for them, but there was a little flock of starlings that were flying down every now and then, and it was not so easy to photograph them. The birds began to feed right after appearing, but the smallest spurt of one of them meant that they all suddenly flew off, to land again a few dozen meters away and so over and over again. The starling, although it is a common species, is not easy to capture properly. Its contrasting colors shimmering in bright light give too high contrast. This time, the lack of such lighting was in favor of static shots and some of them joined the gallery. About the dynamic shots I could forget. As I wrote in a commentary of the jays, I tried to perform dynamic images of jays and starlings several times. And I always failed. We will have to wait for the conditions when the light is not contrasting, but intensive enough to take photos in focus. And it is worth trying, because starling in close-up and with subdued contrast seems to be a colorful, beautiful bird. See for yourself...
Last-minute news - 03/2015
I uploaded several pictures of common starlings, but what is more important, I managed to record the bird’s sound, and to be more specific, a sound of a whole noisy flock of them. Regrettably they were very skittish and the gallery has not been changed to a great extent, which is a pity as their spring coloring is impressive. Unfortunately we can see only a close-up of the whole range of colors of the starling’s spring-time plumage.
Last minute news- 09/2020  Heligoland – Germany
Last minute news- 09/2021  Heligoland – Germany