White Wagtails can be spotted almost everywhere. I have managed to photograph it at the Baltic coast, among fields, at the edge of the forest, at the shore of Warta or outside human habitats. It is a small and quite timid bird. Its wingspan is around 30 centimeters with a body mass of 20-30 grams. Nonetheless, it is very characteristic due to its tail's “nervous”moves and black and white coloration.
Last minute news 08/2013
Lying down persistently and waiting for the Little Crake, the Spotted Crake, the Water Rail and Plovers, in the late afternoon, after several hours of waiting, I suddenly spotted Corn Buntings, White Wagtails and Western Yellow Wagtails. The majority of them were young. Although I had some other plans, I decided that a better thing to do would be observation and doing close-ups of these species rather than capturing an empty landscape or very distant, even more awaited species. White Wagtails and Western Yellow Wagtails, or, more specifically, their young accepted my camouflage to such an extent that one of them, feeding near the hide, moved to a place right in front of my lenses searching for food. It was literally within arm’s reach. Thus the galleries of Wagtails and Corn Buntings have changed, while I’m still waiting for the Spotted Crake and the Little Crake, which I finally didn’t manage to photograph. Well, at least this time...
Last minute news 04/2014

When I was photographing the Common Sandpipes, Northern Wheatears, and the Common Shelducks at the seaside, I could spot the White Wagtails very often. They were seating calmly on the shore. I didn’t disturb them and I could take several portrait photo of the Wagtails. This contributed to a significant change to the whole gallery in the process of perfecting the presention of the species.
Last minute news – 08/2014
I have added some new pictures of the White Wagtail taken during outdoor session on the lake, when I managed to shoot the Sedge Warbler, the Common Sandpiper and the Yellow Wagtail and then publish their new photos as well.
Last minute news - 08/2015
I have added some photos of  the white wagtail, subspecies known as the British wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii).
Last minute news- 09/2020  Heligoland – Germany
Last minute news-01/2022-Egypt
Last minute news-05/2022-Hugary
Last minute news-09/2022
Last minute news-03/2023-Morocco
Last minute news-05-2024 – Kazakhstan
Last minute news-06-2024-Finland






Maroko-język ANGIELSKI


Morocco- introduktory text- Desert Sparrow
News galleries:
1.Desert Sparrow(T). 2.Trumpeter Finch. 3.Pharaoh Eagle-Owl. 4.Lanner Falcon(T). 5.Thick-billed Lark. 6.African Desert Warbler(V). 7.Greater Hoopoe-Lark(V). 8.Temminck's Lark. 9.Moussier's Redstart. 10.Eastern Crimson-winged Finch. 11.Western Mourning Wheatear. 12.Red-rumped Wheatear. 13.Crowned Sandgrouse(V). 14.House Bunting. 15.Bar-tailed Lark. 16.Tristram's Warbler. 17.Fulvous Chatterer(V). 18.Egyptian Nightjar. 19.Levaillant's Woodpecker. 20.Maghreb Magpie. 21.Seebohm's Wheatear.
MAMMALS: 1.Barbary sheep 2.Val's gundi.
REPITILES: Duméril's fringe-fingered lizard
1.White-tailed Wheatear(T). 2. Desert Wheatear. 3.Black wheatear.. 4.Grey Wagtail. 5.Horned Lark. 6.Little Owl. 7.Common Kestrel. 8.Thekla Lark. 9.Crested Lark. 10.African Blue Tit. 11.Short-toed Lark. 12.Red-billed Chough. 13.Yellow-billed Chough. 14.Barbary partridge. 15.Great Tit. 16.Eurasian Collared Dove. 17.Serin. 18.Black Redstart. 19.Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 20.Garden Bulbul. 21.The common chaffinch. 22.White Wagtail. 23.Rock bunting. 24.House Sparrow. 25.Brown-necked Raven. 26.Spanish sparrow. 27.Ruddy shelduck. 28.Rock pigeon. 29.Little Swift.30.Desert Lark.31.Peregrine Falcon.

MOROCCO FAUNA        SAHARA (T)                      ATLAS MOUNTAINS               MOROCCO LANDSCAPE




Kazakhstan – 05/2024- introductory text – Black Lark
NEWS galery
1.Black Lark(T). 2.White-winged lark(V). 3.Bimacula  ted lark. 4. Oriental Turtle-Dove. 5. Booted Warbler.(V) 6.Paddyfield Warbler(V). 7.Red-headed Bunting(V). 8.Terek Sandpiper. 9.Turkestan Shrike. 10.Macqueen's Bustard. 11.Magellanic Plover. 12.Sykes's Warbler(V). 13.Brown Dipper(T).14.Pallid Scops-Owl 15.Grey-necked Bunting. 16.Saxaul Sparrow(V) 17.White-winged Woodpecker(V). 18.Pale-backed Pigeon. 19.Hume's Whitethroat.
MAMMALS : 1.Great gerbil. 2.Goitered gazelle.
REPTILES : 1.Russian tortoise. 2.Steppe agama. 3.Secret toadhead agama.

CHANGES in Galleries:
1.Black-bellied sandgrouse(V). 2.Pallas's gull(V). 3.Calandra Lark. 4.Lesser Grey Shrike (V). 5.Red-footed Falcon. 6. Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 7.Eurasian hobby. 8.Long-legged buzzard. 9.Marsh harrier. 10.Pallid Harrier. 11.Montagu's Harrier. 12.Black Kite. 13.Northern Wheatear. 14.Isabelline wheatear. 15.Pied Wheatear.16.Temminck's Stint. 17.Barn Swallow. 18.Blue Whistling-Thrush. 19.Rosy Starling(T,V). 20.Ruddy shelduck. 21.Demoiselle Crane. 22.Brown-necked Raven. 23.Eurasian Tree Sparrow. 24.Bluethroat. 25.Common Cuckoo. 26.Common Myna. 27.Spotted Flycatcher. 28.Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush. 29.White Wagtail. 30.Western Yellow Wagtail. 31.Citrine wagtail. 32.White-throated dipper. 33.Redstart. 34.Common Tern. 35.Caspian Tern. 36.White-winged Tern. 37.Black-tailed Godwit. 38.Greater Sand Plove. 39. Azure Tit. 40.Short-toed Lark. 41.Mediterranean Short-toed Lark. 42.Tawny Pipit. 43.Buff-browed Warbler. 44.Ortolan Bunting.... 45.Eurasian skylark. 46.Crested Lark. 47.Siberian Stonechat. 48.Wood Sandpiper. 49.Caspian Gull. 50.Red-crested pochard. 51.House Sparrow. 52.White-tailed eagle. 53.Great Tit. 54.Western Jackdaw. 55.European Roller. 56.Egyptian vulture. 57.Chukar patridge.58.Shikra(V).

Kazakhstan FAUNA        Kazakhstan FLORA         Kazakhstan KRAJOBRAZ              Kazakhstan ASTANA

Kazakhstan diaporama - YouTube