Birds > Piciformes > Syrian woodpecke Dendrocopos syriacus


During the session of the krüper's nuthatch also pictures of the syrian woodpecker were taken. Maybe I  neglected a little this bird, but on this day the most important for me was the krüper's  nuthatch, which gallery could not be completed without my arrival to Turkey. Thus a few images of the syrian woodpecker were created. I was not lucky to come across it in Poland, but who knows, maybe, as it sometimes happens one day I will be given the opportunity and the few pictures initiating the gallery of this species will be complimented. Its weight is approximately 80 grams and a wingspan of about 40 cm. So at first glance, in terms of the size, the silhouette it is not different from the great spotted woodpecker.

Dendrocopos syriacus
Dendrocopos syriacus
Dendrocopos syriacus
Dendrocopos syriacus