
Alphabetical list

Galeries 1271 - 1280 of 2570 available in this categorie    |    Page 128 of 257
Lavender Waxbill
Layard's Parakeet
Least Flycatcher
Least Grebe

The photos presented here were taken in the vicinity of Iguazu waterfalls. Sadly just one encounter and an intense afternoon light as well as quite a large distance between me and the birds did not allow for satisfactory photographs. Even working with a converter did not help. The least grebe is the smallest representative of its family. The weight of a least grebe is about 110-140 grams. The bird occurs in Latin and South America.
Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

Least Sandpiper

Although the expedition to the Dominican Republic was not organized to photograph birds from the Polish fauna list, but as I am so far away from Poland, it is difficult not to check and not try to photograph birds formally belonging to the Polish fauna. Especially since there are several dozen bird species that are typical species of North America on our list of fauna. There are many such individual statements in Poland, but they ultimately extend this list. Least sandpiper was found in Poland once and Semipalmated sandpiper five times.

Bardzo dobre

The last of the Big Five gets into my website. It is exciting as it’s the most difficult species to observe among the great cats of Africa. The organizers of the safari in Africa, even those who have the leopard in their name or logo, do not guarantee an encounter with this beautiful cat at all. We, however, succeeded, and one has to be really lucky to have an opportunity to observe it. This encounter, during which a leopard was watching a dik-dik closely, lasted more than half an hour.

Leopard seal

Floating on pontoons in the midst of ice there in Antarctica, we could almost always see a leopard seal resting on an ice floe. It did not care about our presence, so taking picture was not a problem, especially in quiet waters of bays. There were actually quite a few of them, but I think this was because numerous penguin rookeries occurred in the area. It was January – the middle of an Antarctic summer, so not for long there in waters will be thousands of young inexperienced penguins, which are their favorite food.

Bardzo dobre
Leopard tortoise

South Africa- 02/2017
Last minute news-Tanzania-12/2017
Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

Bardzo dobre
Lesser Black-backed Gull

Presented pictures of a Lesser Black-backed Gull were taken in Croatia and Italy. It is as common there as a Black-headed Gull is here. The difference being, it is so used to the presence of people and the feeding that I was swimming on a tourist boat, photographing them with 300mm lense, as they were flying around and begging for food. They are very agile on the fly and brave when feeding. Lesser Black-backed Gull is a large bird, as its weight can exceed 1 kilogram with a wingspan of a nearly 1 meter.
Last minute nevs-07/2015

Bardzo dobre
Lesser Blue-eared Glossy-Starling
