
Alphabetical list

Galeries 611 - 620 of 2571 available in this categorie    |    Page 62 of 258
Common Myna

The extent of the Common Myna’s residence is quite broad. I was able to watch it in Australia, New Zealand and Dubai. In New Zealand they were probably in the greatest number and they could be found along roads. While passing I could see large flocks which were feeding at the road between fields. Unfortunately these observations did not end up with pictures. During the morning walks at dawn I saw them on the lawns and streets, in city parks. The pictures presented here were taken at that time.

Bardzo dobre
Common Nightingale

There is a trough running between two fields and there is a small wood, hurst to be exact. I have stopped, I am moving very slowly, observing and counting that I will notice a Common Kingfisher, as it apparently visits this place. Foliage and twigs over quite fair trough seem to confirm that indication. Bit of time, bit of luck or maybe bad luck and I have managed to photograph...a Common Nightingale. His singing truly is extraordinary and distinct. He seats nobly on a branch and sings with all his lungs showing the yellow inside of his beak.

Bardzo dobre
Common Ostrich

South Africa  2011
Last minute news - 12/2017 -Tanzania
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Bardzo dobre
Common Pochard

A medium-sized duck, with a weight of about one kilogram and a wingspan of approximately 70 cm. I had the pleasure to photograph common pochards while taking pictures of tufted ducks, in breeding ponds. When you watch the common pochard an amazing view seems to be its blood-red eye against the brown neck. Pochards, though quite skittish, are much more commonly found than tufted ducks. There will probably be a lot of occasions to complete the gallery presented to you.
Last minutes news – 05/2014

Bardzo dobre
Common Quail

It's quite funny that it was Spain where I photographed quail for the first time. For me it is an important species, as it belongs to the fauna of Poland. It is the last representative in the family of galliformes that occurs in Poland, which I have not photographed yet. Although it is not one of the rare birds in Poland, I failed several times trying to photograph it. I could hear its voice in Tanzania, in the campsite where I pitched my tent. In the area where I live here in Poland I have heard many times voices of quails and that was it.

Bardzo dobre
Common raccoon dog
Common Redpoll

So far, a very rare species in Poland, small bird, smaller than a sparrow. Its body mass is dozen or so grams with a wingspan of 25 centimeters. Redpolls are characteristic for northern parts of Europe and Northern America. In Poland it is rarely spotted, but in Montreal area, in parks, according to my observations and pictures, it is the most common and least timid bird, easy to photograph. Every presented picture of this species so far was taken there.

Bardzo dobre
Common redshank

Taking pictures and recording sounds of redshank it is no problem in Iceland. Redshanks, snipes and whimbrels often can be seen on stakes of palings sitting there along the road even when driving. Redshanks reach a weight of 170 grams and wingspan of about 60 cm, and their population in Iceland is estimated at 140 thousand individuals (2014). Redshank is not a timid and silent bird. Only oystercatchers were louder.

Common Ringed Plover

Again an example of a “gallery” based on one “contact”, registrating picture. One must start with something to improve the gallery of each species, as I stated that at the beginning. Let's hope it will be so and Ringed Plover's gallery, as a species, will change its aspect on my site. For now I stick to this one picture taken in a bad light from too big of a distance. And it was taken in the morning awaiting for a Black Sotrk to arrive. After that the Ringed Plovers immediately flew away and did not come back as the Stork, for couple of hours, took over their turv.

Bardzo dobre
Common rosefinch

Rosefinch should be really included in the thematic group Turkey 2. These few documentary pictures  were taken in Turkey. When I began selecting a few thousand photos that I brought from Turkey, there were some pictures of hard to identify species. These were put aside for later identification, not to interfere with the main task of classifying “Turkey – 2” photos. Having done that I finally had time to concentrate on those unidentified pictures. The bird turned out to be a rosefinch. The Rosefinch occurs in Europe and Asia.

