Islandia - wykaz j.angielski
Iceland introduction - Great northern loon
1. Great northern loon. 2. Red Crossbill. 3.Common redshank. 4. Harlequin duck. 5. Whimbrel. 6. Great skua. 7. Black-legged kittiwake. 8. Northern fulmar. 9. Northern gannet. 10. Black guillemot. 11. Red-necked phalarope. 12. Horned grebe. 13. Glaucous gull. 14. European golden plover. 15. Northern shoveler. 16. Redwing. 17. Razorbill. 18. Barrow's goldeneye. 19. Parasitic jaeger. 20.Thick-billed murre. 21. Rock ptarmigan. 22. Great black-backed gull. 23. Short-eared Owl. 24. Whales. 25. Manx shearwater. 26. Gadwall. 27.Harbor Seal. 28. Pink-footed goose. 29. Iceland gull.
And changes in the galleries:
1. Red-throated Loon. 2. Puffin. 3. Common Redpoll. 4. Eurasian oystercatcher . 5. Common snipe. 6. Arctic tern. 7. Reindeer. 8. Black-tailed godwit. 9. Common ringed plover. 10. Guillemot 11. Purple sandpiper. 12. Whooper swan. 13. Common eider. 14. Eurasian wigeon. 15. Red-breasted merganser. 16. Greater Scaup. 17. Brant goose.18. Red knot . 19. Dunlin. 20. Tufted duck. 21.Greylag Goose.
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