I took a few pictures of the gadwall while I was photographing the northern shoveler. The gadwall was evidently interested in my person as it swam to me close enough to make me able to take my first good photos of this bird. The gadwall has a wingspan of up to one meter with a weight of approximately one kilogram.
Last minute news-5/2020
Somehow I am not lucky enough to take a good photos of Gadwall, despite the fact that its population in Poland is estimated at several thousand pairs. My last encounter with Gadwall, was in September 2019, but the bird was far enough that documentary photos did not reach the gallery. This time it was a bit better. It was so much better that the correct picture of the piece is added to the gallery and the gallery ceases to be documentary. Unfortunately, the birds were very shy and appeared for a while. But there is some progress in building this gallery and it has to be noted in the information.

Islandia - wykaz j.angielski