I took photos of the Red-fronted serin in the mountains. When it comes to the amount of photos I am a bit unsatisfied, but I spent too little time for it to have better results. Also a kestrel had something to do with it, because when it appeared in the area all red-fronted serins flew away and sat down at a safe distance, waiting for the predator to disappear. It is a pity, because the beautifully colored mountain vegetation, where red-fronted serins were feeding, gave a chance to take gorgeous photos. Some pictures were taken from quite strange perspective, and do not reflect the charm of this bird properly and the extent to which it is representative as I could and should do it. Red-fronted serins in terms of size looks like serins occurring in our country. This red dot on the forehead which distinguishes them makes them the more charm and attractive to a photographer. It occurs only among adults.

Turcja 2- j.ANGIELSKI