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Little auk

Svalbard, or more precisely Spitsbergen, as it was the island of the Svalbard archipelago where we stayed and swam around - it is the northernmost place where one can observe and, of course, photograph birds. Always after my photographic trips I try to start with writing, so that what exists in the most elusive memory I could express straightaway. Working on pictures or soundtracks is just a matter of time needed for processing. This time, for various reasons, an account had to wait but I hope that what is the most important I still remember.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Little Bee-eater

I must admit that I hoped to photograph more species of bee-eaters and with better pictures. For where, if not in Africa, so colorful varieties of bee-eaters would be photographed. But not in South Africa. I managed to take some pictures of two species of bee-eaters, from the distance that the rest of my colleagues made no attempt of shooting. They have been many times to Africa and they have beautiful portraits of these wonderful, colorful birds as a result of such encounters with bee-eaters.

Bardzo dobre
Little bittern

Here we have the little bittern, which is the smallest representative of the heron family Ardeidae in Poland. Its weight is about 150 grams and a wingspan about 55 centimeters. Taking into account  that in Poland it is a very rare species and a secret hiding bird, having completed such an exhibition which I present to you seems impossible, at least for me with my scarce resources of time. But I succeeded! And all that, as it often happens with my shooting, thanks to other friendly nature lovers that discovered and made available to me such an unusual place.

Bardzo dobre
Little Blue Heron

Costa Rica
Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Bardzo dobre
Little Bustard

English Little Bustard means Strepet. The difference is indeed significant. Little Bustard's weight is almost 1 kilogram, while Bustards weigh dozen or so kilograms (males). The environment of those creatures are alike – vast meadows and pastures with small grass. I took presented pictures in Spain. In Poland the species is accounted to migrating birds and some sources say that their occurrence in our country has not been noted for couple of years. In Europe it occurs mostly on the Iberian Penninsula and the southern France.

Little Cormorant
Bardzo dobre
Little crake

The last representative of the Rallidae family nesting in Poland has its gallery on my website at last. I had many attempts of searching for little crakes and reading information that might be helpful while photographing these birds (I attach two links at the end of this text). I have seen them twice, nay, once I was so close to a little crake when I was sitting camouflaged in a reed field, that the bird peacefully walked by in front of my lens. Of course, I wasn’t able to take any pictures, which is a pity as it’s a beautiful and exceptional bird, in its own way.

Bardzo dobre
Little Egret

Similarly to bustards, Polish Czapla Nadobna is Little Egret. And it really is much smaller than the Great Egret or Grey Heron, practically one time smaller. Weight of a Little Egret is around 0.5 kilogram with a wingspan of around 1 meter. Watching someone else's photo galleries of different kinds of egrets (Great Egret, Little Egret) you pay much attention to the differences in the appearance. Putting them both on one picture shows the difference between them unequivocally.

Little friarbird

I managed to take some pictures of the Little Friarbird but it is difficult to say something more after such a short meeting I had with this bird. It is interesting to compare it with other species of friarbirds which I had the opportunity to photograph.

Little grebe

Very adequate name for our smallest Grebe. It weighs around 200 grams, not exceeding 300 grams, whereas the most popular Great Crested Grebe weighs around 1 kilogram, and can even reach 1.5 kilograms. Its wingspan is 40 centimeters, whereas it is twice as much with Great Crested Grebes. Therefore, it is a big difference. After closer acquaintance with this water bird you grow fond of it very quickly and admire its rusty neck and habits worthy of its larger cousins. It swims and dives in search for food.

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