A beautiful water bird of the Rallidae family. I’ve had a chance to watch it a few times in its natural habitat, while photographing the water rail and attempting to photograph the little crake. Unfortunately the pictures of this species in my gallery don’t reflect all this bird deserves. As the population of moorhens in Poland is quite some and you can see this bird every now and then, I think that this gallery will soon be changed. The weight of the common moorhen can be up to 0.5 kg, with a wingspan of about 50 cm.
Last minute news - 05/2014
This history is similar to that of the cuckoo gallery. I sit from sunrise in hiding and wait for the Spotted Crake and the Water Rail and here swims a Common Moorhen. Nay, it flows several times giving me the chance to take more pictures. The light was bad, but it was my best shot of this bird, and so traditionally – the reconstructed gallery goes to the news.
Last minute news - 08/2016 - Greece
I took a few quite good pictures of a moorhen in a rather strange place in Greece. Not far from the sea there was a pond with brown water. It is better not to describe the smell of the water. And in this sewage floated several turtles, a lot of small fish and a moorhen family always appeared in the afternoon. Two adults and four young birds. The distance to the birds was 4-7 meters. The birds were accustomed to tourists and were not skittish. I wish the conditions had been better to shoot from a lower position, because much more interesting pictures could have been taken from another pespective. However, the new pictures were interesting enough to rebuild my gallery.
Last minute news - South Africa 02/2017
Last minute news – 05/2020
It has never happened before to go to the area at sunrise not for shooting and with the ideas  of recording the voice of Common Moorhen and Great Crested grebe. When I was sitting in a shelter every now and then I heard birds, but it's hard to do two things at the same time. Waiting has had the expected effect, but quite modest. The voice activity of the Mororhen, as I wrote earlier, was small, but in the end for more than an hour of looking forward I managed to record her voice. A single recording of the Crested grebe is already a complete case...
Last minute news – 05/2022- Hungary

Argentyna wykaz gatunków - jezyk angielski


ARGENTINA - Toco toucan- introductory text
List of newly gallery birds:
1.Toco Toucan 2.Imperial Shag 3.Crested Caracara. 4.Blue Manakin.5.Black-Throated Mango. 6.Upland Goose.7.Patagonian Sierra-Finch. 8.Southern Lapwing. 9.Austral thrush.10.Field Flicker. 11.White-Throated Caracara. 12.Red-Crested Cardinal.13.Rock Cormorant. 14.Dolphin Gull. 15. Violaceous Euphonia.16.Chestnut-Bellied Euphonia.17.Thorn-Tailed Rayadito.18.Rufous-collared Sparrow.19.South American Tern.20.Black Vulture.21.Chestnut-eared Aracari. 22.Swallow-tailed hummingbird. 23.Chimango Caracara.24.Surucua Trogon.25.Violet-Capped Woodnymph. 26.Great kiskadee 27.Tufted tit-tyrant. 28.Hooded Siskin. 29.Wattled Jacana. 30.Ochre-Collared Piculet. 31.Green-Barred Woodpecker. 32.Magellanic Woodpecker. 33.Blond-Crested Woodpecker.34.Picazuro Pigeon. 35.Guira Cuckoo.36.Bare-Faced Ibis. 37.Black-faced-ibis. 38.Chilean Swallow. 39. Yellow-billed cardinal.40.Black-Hooded Parakeet. 41.Tropical Parula.42.Kelp Goose. 43.Black Jacobin.44.Chalk-Browed Mockingbird.45.House Wren.46.Gilded Hummingbird.47.Versicoloured Emerald. 48.Dark-Bellied Cinclodes. 49.Golden-Billed Saltator. 50.Crested duck.51.Black-and-rufous warbling-finch. 52.Rufous-Bellied Thrush.53.Black-Banded Woodcreeper.54.Lineated Woodpecker. 55.Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker. 56.Rufous Hornero. 57.Plain-Breasted Ground-Dove.58.Black-Necked Swan. 59.Ruddy-Heded Goose. 60.Least Grebe. 61.Scaly-headed parrot. 62.Magpie Tanager. 63.White-winged parakeet. 64.Baywing. 65.Saffron Finch. 66.Eared Pygmy-Tyrant. 67.South American Snipe. 68.Ringed Teal. 69.Chequered woodpecker.70.Yellow-bellied elaenia.71.Plumbeous Kite. 72.Red-Crested Finch. 73.Roadside hawk. 74.Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird.75Turkey Vulture. 76. Austral Blackbird.77.Sayaca Tanager.78.Bananaquit.79.Swallow-tailed kite.80.Straight-billed hermit. 81.Andean Condor. 82.White-eyed Parakeet. 83.Pied-billed Grebe. 84.Austral Pigmy-Owl.85.Double-Collared Seedeater. 86.Blackish Oystercatcher. 87. Austral negrito.88.Ruddy ground dove. 89.Speckled Teal.90.Grey-rumped Swift. 91.Fuegian steamer duck.92.Chilean Skua. 93.Greenish Elaenia. 94.Black-baked gull.95.Common Gallinule.
List of mammals newly gallery: 1.South American coati. 2.South American sea lion. 3.Brazilian guinea pig.
List of reptiles newly gallery:  Argentine gigant tegu.
Changes in the galleries birds: 1.Monk parakeet. 2.Sand martin.
Changes in the galleries insect: 1.Butterflies. 2. Other insects.
Go to the gallery: A R G E N T I N A   F A U N A

RPA -język angielski


Republic of South Africa 02/2017 - introductory text - Livingstone's turaco
Birds-new galleries:
1.Livingstone's turaco(T,V),2.Red-billed oxpecker(T,V).3.Long-tailed widowbird (T,V),4.Cape Glossy-Starling.5.Grosbeak Weaver (T,V).6.Trumpeter Hornbill (T,V),7.Fork-tailed Drongo.8.Rufous-chested Swallow (T).9.Long-tailed Cormorant.10. Burchell's Coucal (T,V).11.Water Thick-knee (T).12.Spotted Thick-knee (T).13.African Swamphen.14. Great White Pelican.15.African Pied Wagtail (T,V).16.Crested Guineafowl (V).17.Three-banded Plover (T).18.White-fronted Plover (T).19.Pin-tailed Whydah.20.Southern Red Bishop (T,V).21.Tawny-flanked Prinia.22.Forest Weaver (T).23.Cape Weaver (T).24.Bald ibis (T). 25.African Fish Eagle,26.Dark-capped Bulbul,27.Sombre Greenbul,28.African Pied Starling,29.Black-bellied Glossy-Starling,30.Woolly-necked Stork (T).31.Blacksmith Lapwing,32.Black-headed Heron,33.Goliath Heron (T),34.Red-winged Starling,35.Yellow-billed Stork (T).36.Blue Bustard (T).37.White-faced Whistling Duck,38.Perrin's Bushshrike (V),39.Natal Francolin (T),40.Speckled Pigeon,41.Lesser Striped-Swallow, 42.Greater Striped-Swallow(V),43.Yellow-billed Duck,44.Yellow-billed Kite,45.South African Shelduck (V),46.African Stonechat,47.Cape Canary,48.Black Cuckooshrike,49.Grey Crowned-Crane (T),50.Blue Crane (T),51.Crowned Hornbill (T),52.Wahlberg's Eagle,53. Palm-nut Vulture,54.Pied Kingfisher,55.Hamerkop,56.Orange River white-eye,57.Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove,58.Southern Black-Flycatcher,59.Malachite Sunbird,60.Black-backed Puffback,61.African Golden-Weaver,62.African Jacana (V),63.African harrier-hawk.64.African Firefinch,65.Crested Barbet,66.Wailing Cisticola,67.Brown-crowned Tchagra,68.Black-winged Lapwing,69.Wattled Lapwing,70.Black Heron,71.Red-faced Mousebird,72.Speckled Mousebird,73. African Hoopoe,74.Bokmakierie Bushshrike,75.Crested Francolin (T),76.Brown Snake-Eagle,77.Spur-winged Goose,78.Gray Go-away-bird, 79.Sacred Ibis(T,V),80.Wire-tailed Swallow,81.Rufous-necked Wryneck,82.Brown-hooded Kingfisher,83.Woodland Kingfisher,84.Striped Kingfisher,85.Red-knobbed Coot,86.Blue-cheeked Bee-eater(T),87.Little Bee-eater (T),88.African Darter,89.Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (T,V),90.Kittlitz's plover (T),91.Caspian Tern,92.White-backed Vulture,93.Red-billed Teal, 94.Purple-crested Turaco (V),95.Red-billed Quelea,96.African Yellow White-eye,97.Black-collared Barbet,98.Mocking Cliff-Chat,99.Southern Anteater-Chat,100.African Paradise-Flycatcher,101.Ring-necked Dove,102.Golden-breasted Bunting,103.Yellow-crowned Bishop,104.Yellow-throated Petronia, 105.Yellow-bellied Greenbul,106.Rattling Cisticola (V).107.White-throated Swallow.108.Red-eyed Dove.109.White-eared Barbet. 110. Plain Martin,111.Banded Martin,112.Red-backed Scrub-Robin (V),113.Southern Fiscal,114.Gray-winged Francolin (T),115.Acacia Pied Barbet,116.Glossy Ibis (T),117.Buff-streaked Bushchat,118.African Openbill (T),119.Chinspot Batis,120. Bateleur (T),121.Dideric Cuckoo,122.Yellow-fronted Canary,123.Malachite Kingfisher,124.Scarlet-chested Sunbird,125.Orange-throated Longclaw,126.Yellow-throated Longclaw,127.African Green-Pigeon,128.Cape Bunting,129.Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird,130.Variable Indigobird,131.Fan-tailed Widowbird,132.Orange Weaver,133.Long-crested Eagle,134.Cape Crow (V),135.Southern Gray-headed Sparrow,136.Cape Sparrow,137. Helmed Guineafowl.138.Green-backed Camaroptera.139.Violet-backed Starling.140 Black-bellied Glossy-Starling.
MAMMALS NEW GALLERIES: 1.Southern giraffe.2Burchell's zebra.3.Nyala.4.White rhinoceros.5.Chacma baboon.6.African Buffalo.7.Wildebeests.8.Common warthog.9.Waterbuck.10. Bushbuck.11.Vervet monkey.12.Banded mongoose.13.Impala.
REPTILIES - NEV GALLERIES: 1.Nile crocodile.2.Leopard tortoise.3.Serrated Hinged Terrapin.4.Flap-necked chameleon.
INSECT : 1. Elegant Grasshopper. 2.Plum dung beetle, and changes in the gallery of butterflies, odonata and other insects.
CHANGES IN BIRDS GALLERIES : 1.European roller (T).2 Black-winged kite.3.Amur falcon (T).4.Egyptian goose(T).5.Red-backed shrike (T).6.Hadeda ibis (T).7.Llittle egret.8.Cattle egret.9.Barn swallow.10.Squacco heron.11.Zitting cisticola (T).12.Common moorhen.13. Steppe buzzard (T).14.Sanderling (T ).15.Purple heron.16.European Bee-eater.17.Common tern. 18.Laughing Dove.19.White stork.
Go to the gallery : South Africa - F A U N A        South Africa- FLORA          South Africa- LANDSCAPE          Cape Town