As I wrote in the lesser kestrel gallery, the behavior and occurrence of different species of kestrels are very similar. It means that they are often found in the vicinity of human habitations, in urban areas. The best pictures of the common kestrel I have managed to take so far were taken on a parking lot, next to the offices of a company located near a busy road. The common kestrel was literally hanging in the air, allowing me to take a few pictures which initiated this gallery. But they are far from the close-ups taken from the bustard hide while photographing the lesser kestrel. Common kestrels are a little bigger than lesser kestrels and similarly difficult to photograph. Common kestrels are often found on church towers, roofs of tall buildings, which are hardly attractive as open-air shooting spaces. Who knows, maybe someday, while doing another photography session, I will manage to take pictures of this beautiful bird.
Last minute news -10/2013
So far, the gallery of kestrels was actually two shots and there is no accent of green. These pictures were taken one hundred per cent by accident and the kestrel has always been higher, with the sky in the background. There is some progress in this so slowly created  gallery, I have added photos taken at fairly close range, so pretty good quality. It is a pity that at least the post where kestrel is sitting is not wooden one. So far, I have met her in an urban area and it is it is no use expecting better shots in the area. So to take detailed pictures of kestrel, I have to wait, or, as it happens quite often, will be taken unexpectedly during another open air session.
Last minute news - 04-2014 Turkay
It was an irony of fate. The gallery showing the Common Kestrel was significantly changed owing to one short photo session in Turkey. I catch the sight of a Kestrel hunting for its prey almost everyday, while going to work between the road and the farming guild. Whenever I do, however, I have no time for watching and taking photos of birds. While hunting, the Common Kestrel in Poland behaves in the same manner as in Turkey. The photos were taken from the car. The Kerstel was hovering over the place, observing the surroundings. Using my 400 focal length lens, I took better quality photos than those I had taken earlier. The gallery underwent significant changes. The alterations made to the gallery of the Lesser Kerstel, however, are more significant. Looking at both galleries, you can spot a difference between photos taken when you approach the bird from those taken from shelter. I assure the difference makes a big impression.
Last minute news – 08/2014  - Fuerteventura
I was really surprised when I met this bird on Fuerteventura. The place and the distance I could  photograph the kestrel from was so strange for this bird. It was  sitting on a palm tree in a quite busy place looking for insects in the grass. Every now and then it was  diving into  the lawn, then quickly flew away. It was  easy to shoot  like our pygmy owl. I was coming back to this place many times and the kestrel was always in the vicinity of dozen palm trees. You could always find it there, perfectly blended in the background of a palm tree trunk.
Last minute news – Turkey2 - 09/2014
When I was trying to photograph red-fronted serins in the mountains of Turkey, suddenly a kestrel appeared up a hill. Although it sat on the top of the tree it was still slightly below the place I photographed from. I was busy with it for some time and it drew my attention away from the red-fronted serins, but all in all I thought it was worth it, and beside that I had nothing more to choose. Red-fronted serins flew away to distant tree and waited for the predator to go away. The kestrel did not care my presence and flew about among the treetops looking for its prospective dinner. Images I was able to take are so good that I could rebuild the modest kestrels’ gallery and replace the old ones with new ones.
Last minute news- 11/2017
The photos of the common kestrel taken so far were mostly a haphazard collection of images. This time, in Spain kestrels unexpectedly appeared by a drinker. Although they were not on the photography list of this expedition to Spain, they constituted a huge surplus for the modest so far kestrel gallery. They were so close, however, that I took the best among my pictures of kestrels and the gallery has been rebuilt.
Last minute news-01/2022-Egypt
Last minute news-05/2022-Hungary
Last minute news-03/2023-Morocco


Turcja 2- j.ANGIELSKI

Hiszpania- 11/2017 ANGIELSKI



Maroko-język ANGIELSKI


Morocco- introduktory text- Desert Sparrow
News galleries:
1.Desert Sparrow(T). 2.Trumpeter Finch. 3.Pharaoh Eagle-Owl. 4.Lanner Falcon(T). 5.Thick-billed Lark. 6.African Desert Warbler(V). 7.Greater Hoopoe-Lark(V). 8.Temminck's Lark. 9.Moussier's Redstart. 10.Eastern Crimson-winged Finch. 11.Western Mourning Wheatear. 12.Red-rumped Wheatear. 13.Crowned Sandgrouse(V). 14.House Bunting. 15.Bar-tailed Lark. 16.Tristram's Warbler. 17.Fulvous Chatterer(V). 18.Egyptian Nightjar. 19.Levaillant's Woodpecker. 20.Maghreb Magpie. 21.Seebohm's Wheatear.
MAMMALS: 1.Barbary sheep 2.Val’s gundi.
REPITILES: Duméril's fringe-fingered lizard
1.White-tailed Wheatear(T). 2. Desert Wheatear. 3.Black wheatear.. 4.Grey Wagtail. 5.Horned Lark. 6.Little Owl. 7.Common Kestrel. 8.Thekla Lark. 9.Crested Lark. 10.African Blue Tit. 11.Short-toed Lark. 12.Red-billed Chough. 13.Yellow-billed Chough. 14.Barbary partridge. 15.Great Tit. 16.Eurasian Collared Dove. 17.Serin. 18.Black Redstart. 19.Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 20.Garden Bulbul. 21.The common chaffinch. 22.White Wagtail. 23.Rock bunting. 24.House Sparrow. 25.Brown-necked Raven. 26.Spanish sparrow. 27.Ruddy shelduck. 28.Rock pigeon. 29.Little Swift.30.Desert Lark.31.Peregrine Falcon.

MOROCCO FAUNA        SAHARA (T)                      ATLAS MOUNTAINS               MOROCCO LANDSCAPE