Even smaller than a Little Egret, as its weight does not increase 400 grams with a comparable wingspan up to 1 meter. It does not occur in Poland, but it does quite commonly all over the world and is considered an invading species as well. Those few pictures presented were taken while trying to photograph a colony of bee-eaters, and haymaking not far from our booth made two Cattle Egrets feed. It fouled up the opportunity to take satisfying pictures of bee-eaters but in return I get to present you those pictures. And as egrets are a grateful object to photograph as a species they initiated this gallery. I think that their geographical spread will continue as they followed the tractor like storks do in our country. Only the farmer getting of of the tractor scared them away. They are not as skittish as the nearby Great and Little Egrets.
Last minute - 02/2014 Australia
It inhabits the southern and northern areas of Australia. I was lucky to come across it quite a few times. I took the most interesting photos of this bird while I encountered it eating in the pastures where horses graze. The pictures that this gallery shows reflect my concept of taking bird photos, namely, the idea that birds should be presented in their natural habitat. This species may appear to be a beautiful miniature of the Great Egret. Its golden plumage adds to its beauty. The material that makes up this gallery comes from Spain and Australia. It does not occurs in Poland, as for now.
Last minute news – 08/2014      Fuerteventura
As mentioned in the description of the hadeda ibis, in the same place I photographed the cattle egret. Egrets appeared at sunrise in the number of dozens individuals. Sitting quietly one could feel like attending serious photography workshops. Recently in Poland when I was taking photos of the green sandpiper,  the cattle egret flew for a moment. But it was so cautious that despite my camouflage at first it was watching me for a few minutes, then began to feed. Unfortunately, after a few photos it flew away. And here in a public place one can easily shoot egrets. On the only condition that the distance from the birds is not less than several meters. Otherwise the whole flock rises to the flight, but before the breakfast is over they do not fly away. I photographed cattle egrets several times, but this time the quantity and quality of images requires from the gallery to be radically reconstructed. The cattle egret goes to the news.
Last minute news Costa Rica-12/2015
Last minute news - South Africa 02/2017
Last minute news-01/2022-Egypt
Last minute news- 02/2023-Gambia
Last minute news-09-2023-Ecuador
Last minute news-11/2024-India

Australia - wykaz j.angielski


A U S T R A L I A – introduction text - A U S T R A L I A N    B U S T A R D
News gallery birds: 
1.Australian bustard.2.Emu.3.Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo.4.White-faced Heron.5.Brolga.6.Green Figbird.7.Zebra Finch.8.Rainbow Lorikeet.9.Pheasant Coucal.10.Australian Pelican.11.Olive-backed Sunbird.12.Yellow Honeyeater.13.Apostlebird.14.Magpie Goose.15.Superb Fairywren. 16.Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.17.Noisy Friarbird.18.Straw-necked Ibis.19.Welcome swallow.20.Black Kite.21.Gala. 22.Plumed Whistling Duck.23.Dollarbird.24.Sacred Kingfisher.25.Masked Lapwing.26.Varied triller.27.Little friarbird. 28.Black-shouldered Kite.29.Laughing Kookaburra.30.Comb-crested jacana.31.Sharp-tailed sandpiper.32.Red-whiskered Bulbul.33.Peaceful Dove. 34.Bush stone curlew.  35.White-throated honeyeater.36.Australian Brushturkey.37.Noisy miner.38.New Holland Honeyeater. 39.Crimson Finch. 40.White-breasted Woodswallow.41.Australian King Parrot.42.Australian Wood Duck.43.Great Bowerbird.44.Little Pied Cormorant.45.Black-billed Koel.46.Australian Raven.47.Spangled drongo.48.Spiny-cheeked honeyeater.49.Willie Wagtail.50.Wedge-tailed Eagle.51.Common Myna.52.Lewin's Honeyeater.53.Eastern Spinebill.54.Chestnut-breasted Munia.55.Rainbow Bee-eater. 56.Blue-winged Kookaburra.57.Common bronzewing.58.Wandering whistling duck.59.Helmeted Friarbird.60.Crested Pigeon.61.Pied Currawong.62.Brown-backed honeyeater.63.Yellow-faced honeyeater.64.Grey-headed honeyeater.65Yellow-throated miner.66.Scaly-breasted munia.67.Masked Woodswallow.68.Hardhead.69.Pale-headed Rosella.70.Blue-faced Honeyeater.71.Grey Butcherbird.72.Australian magpie.73.Whistling kite.74.Black Swan.75.Royal Spoonbill.76.Double-barred Finch.77.Broad-billed Flycatcher.78.Australian Swamphen.79.Brown Falcon.80.Pied Butcherbird.81.White-browed scrubwren.82.Silvereye.83.Rufous-throated Honeyeater.84.Black-faced Cuckooshrike. 85.Red backed fairywren.86.Pacific black duck. 87.Magpie-lark. 88.Red winged parrot.89.Zitting Cisticola.90Cotton Pygmy Goose.91.Pallid Cuckoo. 92.Australian Kestrel.93.Crimson Rosella.94.Forest Kingfisher.95.Australian coot.96.Red-browed Finch.97.Australian White Ibis.98.Australasian Darter.99.Pied oystercatcher.100.Striated Heron.101.Cattle Egret.102.Great Egret.103.Intermediate Egret.104.Sooty Oystercatche.105.Green pygmy goose.106.Brush Wattlebird.107.White-heded Stilt.
News gallery reptiles:
1.Yellow Spotted Monitor. 2. Eastern blue-tongued lizard. 3.Jewel Rainbow. 4.Sand Monitor. 5.Nobbi Dragon. 6.Saw-shelled turtle.
News gallery mammals:
1. Dingo. 2. Flying fox. 3. Agile wallaby. 4. Eastern grey kangaroo. 5.Common wallaroo. 6.Whiptail Wallaby.
Go to the gallery: A U S T R A L I A – F A U N A


Kostaryka wykaz -angielski


Costa Rica- introductory text - Resplendent Quetzal.
Birds-new galleries:
1.Resplendent Quetzal. 2.Boat-billed Heron.(V) 3.Montezuma Oropendola.(V) 4.Collared Aracari. 5.Grey-necked Wood-Rail. 6.Grey-headed Chachalaca. 7.Chestnut-mandibled Toucan.(V) 8.Fiery-throated Hummingbird. 9.Northern Jacana. 10.Chestnut-headed Oropendola. 11.Brown Pelican. 12.Crested guan. 13.Green Honeycreeper. 14.Rufous-tailed Hummingbird. 15.Green-breasted mango. 16.Red-legged Honeycreeper. 17.White-necked Jacobin. 18.Flame-colored Tanager. 19. ummer Tanager. 20.Squirrel Cuckoo.(V) 21.Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.(V) 22.Golden-hooded tanager. 23.Magnificent Hummingbird. 24.Snowy Egret.(V) 25.Mangrove Black-hawk. 26.Clay-colored Thrush. 27.Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. 28.Acorn Woodpecker.(V) 29.Slaty Flowerpiercer. 30.Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher. 31.Groove-billed Ani. 32.Emerald Toucanet. 33.Turquoise-browed Motmot. 34.Collared Redstart. 35.Volcano or Cerise-throated Hummingbird. 36.Rufous-naped Wren. 37.Black-crested Coquette. 38. Black-necked Stilt. 39.Palm Tanager. 40.Blue-grey Tanager.(V) 41.Crowned Woodnymph. 42.Greet-tailed Grackle. (V) 43.Scarlet-thighed Dacnis. 44.Black-cheeked Woodpecker. 45.Pale-vented Pigeon. 46.Red-throated Ant-Tanager. 47.Neotropic Cormorant. 48.Long-billed Hermit. 49.Silver-throated Tanager. 50.Passerini's Tanager. 51.Scarlet Macaw.(V) 52.Brown Jay. 53.Little Blue Heron. 54.Tricolored Heron. 55.Pale-billed Woodpecker. 56.Violet-headed Hummingbird. 57.Inca Dove. 58.Baltimore Oriole. 59.Small-billed Cacique. 60.Green Thorntail. 61.Olive-backed Euphonia. 62.White-vented Euphonia.  63.Black-and-white Owl. 64.Grey-breasted Wood-Wren. 65.Purple Gallinule. 66.Tropical Screech-Owl. 67.Crimson-collared Tanager. 68.Slaty-tailed Trogon. 69.Bare-throated Tiger Heron. 70.Green Violetear. 71.Blue Dacnis. 72.Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. 73.Black Phoebe. 74.Yellow-thighed Finch. 75.White Ibis. 76.Green Ibis. 77.Black-cowled Oriole. 78.Yellow-headed Caracara. 79.Common Tody-Flycatcher. 80.Chestnut-sided Warbler. 81.Ruddy Treerunner. 82.Amazon Kingfisher. 83.Yellow-crowned Night-Heron. 84.Snail Kite. 85.Tropical Kingbird. 86.White-naped Brush Finch. 87.Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager. 88.Masked Tityra. 89.Streaked Flycatcher. 90.Grey-capped Flycatcher. 91.Boat-billed Flycatcher.(V) 92.Solitary Sandpiper. 93. Spotted Sandpiper. 94.Green-crowned Brilliant. 95.Barred Antshrike.(V) 96.Great Blue Heron. 97.Yellow-bellied Siskin. 98.Red-crowned Woodpecker. 99.Hoffmann's Woodpecker. 100.Black-capped Flycatcher. 101.White-winged Dove. 102.White-tailed Kite. 103.Black-cheeked Warbler. 104.Buff-rumped Warbler. 105.Northern Waterthrush. 106.Tennessee Warbler. 107.Purple-throated Mountain-gem. 108.Mangrove Swallow. 109.Broad-billed Motmot. 110.White-throated Magpie-Jay. 111.White-breasted Wood-Wren. 112.Scarlet-fronted Parakeet. 113.Golden-browed Chlorophonia. 114.Black-headed Trogon. 115.Gartered Trogon. 116.Keel-billed Toucan. 117.Roseate Sponbill. 118.Violet Sabrewing. 119.Buff-throated Saltator. 120.Social Flycatcher. 121.Willet. 122.Kentucky Warbler. 123.American Mountain Thrush. 124.Streak-headed Woodcreeper. 125.Spot-crowned Woodcreeper. 126.Green Heron. 127.Red-billed Pigeon. 128.Pearl Kite. 129.Yellow-billed Cacique. 130.Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 131.Barred Becard. 132.Rufous-capped Warbler. 133.Tawny-crested Tanager. 134.Plain-brown Woodcreeper. 135.White-throated Mountain. 136.Panama Flycatcher. 137.Broad-winged Hawk. 138.Tree Swallow. 139.Rufous Motmot.(V) 140.Slate-throated Redstart. 141.Blue-black Grassquit. 142.Riverside Wren. 143.Long-tailed Woodcreeper. 144.Torrent Tyrannulet. 145.Wilson's Warbler. 146.Philadelphia Vireo. 147.Red-breasted Blackbird. 148.Fasciated Antshrike. 149.Variable Seedeater. 150.Red-headed Barbet. 151.Lesser Goldfinch. 152.Black-bellied Hummingbird. 153.Sooty Thrush. 154.Wood Thrush. 155.Grey-cheeked Thrush. 156.Mountain Elaenia. 157.Black Guan. 158.Blue-and-white Swallow. 159.Golden-crowned Warbler. 160.Plain Antvireo. 161.Yellow-faced Grassquit. 162.Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer. 163.Flame-throated Warbler. 164.Golden-winged Warbler. 165.Strong-billed Woodcreeper. 166.Lesser Greenlet. 167.Spotted Woodcreeper. 168.Slaty Antwren. 169.Blue-crowned Motmot. 170.White-crowned Parrot. 171.Rufous Mourner. 172.Green Hermit. 173.Bright-rumped Attila. 174.Chestnut-capped babbler. 175.Sooty-faced Finch. 176.Steely-vented Hummingbird. 177.Tangara dowii. 178.Cherrie's Tanager. 179.Southern Rough-winged Swallow. 180.Northern Rough-winged Swallow. 181.Large-footed Finch. 182.Eastern Meadowlark. 183.Thick-billed Seed-Finch. 184.Black-headed Saltator. 185.Greyish Saltator. 186.White-eared Ground-Sparrow. 187.Magnificent Frigatebird. 188.White-ringed Flycatcher. 189.Golden-bellied Flycatcher. 190. lack-bellied Hummingbird. 191.Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher.  192.Orchard oriole.
And changes in the galleries birds: 1.Great Kiskadee. 2.Southern Lapwing. 3.Great Egret. 4 House Wren. 5.Cattle Egret. 6.Roadside Hawk.(V) 7.Rufous-collared Sparrow(V). 8.Osprey.(V) 9.Black Vulture. 10.Turkey Vulture. 11.Bananaquit. 12.Yellow-bellied Elaenia. 13.Lineated Woodpecker.
Reptiles- -new galleries :1.Plumed Basilisk. 2. Brown Basilisk. 3.Black Iguana. 4.Green Iguana (changes). 5.American Crocodile.
Amphibians - -new galleries : Strawberry Poison Frog.
Mammals -new galleries : 1.Linnaeus's two-toed sloth. 2.White-headed Capuchin. 3. White-nosed coati. 4.Variegated squirrel. 5 Mantled Howler.(V) 6.Greater sac-winged bat.(V).
Go yo the gallery:  COSTA RICA- FAUNA             Costa Rica-SLIDESHOW

RPA -język angielski


Republic of South Africa 02/2017 - introductory text - Livingstone's turaco
Birds-new galleries:
1.Livingstone's turaco(T,V),2.Red-billed oxpecker(T,V).3.Long-tailed widowbird (T,V),4.Cape Glossy-Starling.5.Grosbeak Weaver (T,V).6.Trumpeter Hornbill (T,V),7.Fork-tailed Drongo.8.Rufous-chested Swallow (T).9.Long-tailed Cormorant.10. Burchell's Coucal (T,V).11.Water Thick-knee (T).12.Spotted Thick-knee (T).13.African Swamphen.14. Great White Pelican.15.African Pied Wagtail (T,V).16.Crested Guineafowl (V).17.Three-banded Plover (T).18.White-fronted Plover (T).19.Pin-tailed Whydah.20.Southern Red Bishop (T,V).21.Tawny-flanked Prinia.22.Forest Weaver (T).23.Cape Weaver (T).24.Bald ibis (T). 25.African Fish Eagle,26.Dark-capped Bulbul,27.Sombre Greenbul,28.African Pied Starling,29.Black-bellied Glossy-Starling,30.Woolly-necked Stork (T).31.Blacksmith Lapwing,32.Black-headed Heron,33.Goliath Heron (T),34.Red-winged Starling,35.Yellow-billed Stork (T).36.Blue Bustard (T).37.White-faced Whistling Duck,38.Perrin's Bushshrike (V),39.Natal Francolin (T),40.Speckled Pigeon,41.Lesser Striped-Swallow, 42.Greater Striped-Swallow(V),43.Yellow-billed Duck,44.Yellow-billed Kite,45.South African Shelduck (V),46.African Stonechat,47.Cape Canary,48.Black Cuckooshrike,49.Grey Crowned-Crane (T),50.Blue Crane (T),51.Crowned Hornbill (T),52.Wahlberg's Eagle,53. Palm-nut Vulture,54.Pied Kingfisher,55.Hamerkop,56.Orange River white-eye,57.Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove,58.Southern Black-Flycatcher,59.Malachite Sunbird,60.Black-backed Puffback,61.African Golden-Weaver,62.African Jacana (V),63.African harrier-hawk.64.African Firefinch,65.Crested Barbet,66.Wailing Cisticola,67.Brown-crowned Tchagra,68.Black-winged Lapwing,69.Wattled Lapwing,70.Black Heron,71.Red-faced Mousebird,72.Speckled Mousebird,73. African Hoopoe,74.Bokmakierie Bushshrike,75.Crested Francolin (T),76.Brown Snake-Eagle,77.Spur-winged Goose,78.Gray Go-away-bird, 79.Sacred Ibis(T,V),80.Wire-tailed Swallow,81.Rufous-necked Wryneck,82.Brown-hooded Kingfisher,83.Woodland Kingfisher,84.Striped Kingfisher,85.Red-knobbed Coot,86.Blue-cheeked Bee-eater(T),87.Little Bee-eater (T),88.African Darter,89.Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (T,V),90.Kittlitz's plover (T),91.Caspian Tern,92.White-backed Vulture,93.Red-billed Teal, 94.Purple-crested Turaco (V),95.Red-billed Quelea,96.African Yellow White-eye,97.Black-collared Barbet,98.Mocking Cliff-Chat,99.Southern Anteater-Chat,100.African Paradise-Flycatcher,101.Ring-necked Dove,102.Golden-breasted Bunting,103.Yellow-crowned Bishop,104.Yellow-throated Petronia, 105.Yellow-bellied Greenbul,106.Rattling Cisticola (V).107.White-throated Swallow.108.Red-eyed Dove.109.White-eared Barbet. 110. Plain Martin,111.Banded Martin,112.Red-backed Scrub-Robin (V),113.Southern Fiscal,114.Gray-winged Francolin (T),115.Acacia Pied Barbet,116.Glossy Ibis (T),117.Buff-streaked Bushchat,118.African Openbill (T),119.Chinspot Batis,120. Bateleur (T),121.Dideric Cuckoo,122.Yellow-fronted Canary,123.Malachite Kingfisher,124.Scarlet-chested Sunbird,125.Orange-throated Longclaw,126.Yellow-throated Longclaw,127.African Green-Pigeon,128.Cape Bunting,129.Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird,130.Variable Indigobird,131.Fan-tailed Widowbird,132.Orange Weaver,133.Long-crested Eagle,134.Cape Crow (V),135.Southern Gray-headed Sparrow,136.Cape Sparrow,137. Helmed Guineafowl.138.Green-backed Camaroptera.139.Violet-backed Starling.140 Black-bellied Glossy-Starling.
MAMMALS NEW GALLERIES: 1.Southern giraffe.2Burchell's zebra.3.Nyala.4.White rhinoceros.5.Chacma baboon.6.African Buffalo.7.Wildebeests.8.Common warthog.9.Waterbuck.10. Bushbuck.11.Vervet monkey.12.Banded mongoose.13.Impala.
REPTILIES - NEV GALLERIES: 1.Nile crocodile.2.Leopard tortoise.3.Serrated Hinged Terrapin.4.Flap-necked chameleon.
INSECT : 1. Elegant Grasshopper. 2.Plum dung beetle, and changes in the gallery of butterflies, odonata and other insects.
CHANGES IN BIRDS GALLERIES : 1.European roller (T).2 Black-winged kite.3.Amur falcon (T).4.Egyptian goose(T).5.Red-backed shrike (T).6.Hadeda ibis (T).7.Llittle egret.8.Cattle egret.9.Barn swallow.10.Squacco heron.11.Zitting cisticola (T).12.Common moorhen.13. Steppe buzzard (T).14.Sanderling (T ).15.Purple heron.16.European Bee-eater.17.Common tern. 18.Laughing Dove.19.White stork.
Go to the gallery : South Africa - F A U N A        South Africa- FLORA          South Africa- LANDSCAPE          Cape Town

TANZANIA- j.angielski


TANZANIA XII/17’- introductory text- Kori Bustard.
1. Kori Bustard (T). 2. Secretary-bird (T). 3. Rüppell's Vulture (T). 4. Red-billed Firefinch (V). 5. Yellow-necked Spurfowl (T). 6. White-bellied Bustard (V). 7. Blue-capped Cordonbleu. 8. Von der Decken's Hornbill (V). 9. Eastern Double-collared Sunbird (T,V) 10. Yellow-collared Lovebird (T,V). 11.Lappet-faced Vulture (T). 12. Superb Starling. 13. Pallid Harrier (T). 14.Silvery-cheeked Hornbill. 15.Crowned Lapwing (V). 16.White-necked Raven (T). 17.Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse (T).18.Double-banded Courser. 19.Gray-headed Silverbill. 20.Cape Teal. 21.Augur Buzzard. 22.Marabou Stork (T). 23.Red-and-yellow Barbet. 24.Red-necked Francolin (T). 25.Cape Robin-Chat (T,V ). 26.Yellow-billed Oxpecker. 27.Greater Flamingo (T). 28.Lesser Flamingo(T,V ) 29.Tawny Eagle. 30.Southern Ground-Hornbill. 31.Yellow-bellied Waxbill (V). 32.White-headed Buffalo-Weaver(V). 33.Hildebrandt's Starling (V). 34.Nubian Woodpecker. 35.Capped Wheatear. 36.African Spoonbill. 37.White-browed Sparrow-Weaver (V). 38.African Silverbill. 39.Verreaux's Eagle-Owl. 40.Rufous-crowned Roller. 41.Fischer's Sparrow-Lark. 42.Gray-breasted Francolin (T,V). 43.Hildebrandt's Francolin (T). 44.Yellow-throated Sandgrouse (T). 45.Golden-winged Sunbird (T,V). 46.Northern Red-billed Hornbill (V). 47.Black-breasted Snake-Eagle. 48.African Gray Hornbill. 49. Pied Crow (V). 50.Kenya Rufous Sparrow. 51.Collared Pratincole. 52.Purple Grenadier. 53.Senegal Lapwing. 54.Usambiro Barbet (V). 55. Bronze Sunbird. 56.Coqui Francolin (T). 57.White-browed Robin-Chat (V). 58.Three-banded Courser. 59. Gray-headed Social-Weaver. 60.Hooded Vulture (T). 61. Rufous-tailed Weaver (V). 62.Pygmy Falcon. 63.White-browed Coucal. 64.White-throated Bee-eater. 65.Handsome Francolin (T). 66.Long-toed Lapwing. 67. Fischer's Lovebird  (T,V) 68.Speckle-fronted Weaver. 69.Slender-tailed Nightjar (T). 70.Rosy-throated Longclaw. 71.Buff-crested Bustard. 72.Grey-headed Kingfisher. 73.Brown-backed Woodpecker(T). 74.Black-faced Sandgrouse (T). 75.Spotted Morning-Thrush. 76. Green-winged Pytilia. 77.Common Waxbill. 78.Heuglin's white-eye (T). 79.Red-fronted Barbet. 80.Red-cheeked Cordonbleu. 81. Namaqua Dove. 82. Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater. 83.Montagu's Harrier (T). 84.Schalow's Turaco (V). 85.White-rumped Shrike. 86.Garden Bulbul (V). 87.Streaky Seedeater (T). 88. Dark Chanting-Goshawk. 89. Ashy Starling. 90.Thick-billed Seedeater. 91.Gray-backed Fiscal (V). 92. Magpie Shrike (V). 93.Rueppell's Starling. 94. Gull-billed Tern. 95. Mourning Collared-Dove. 96.African Pipit. 97.White-bellied Go-away-bird (V). 98.Mariqua Sunbird. 99. Short-tailed Lark. 100.Black-bellied Bustard (V). 101. Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler (T,V).102. Dusky Turtle-Dove. 103.Beautiful Sunbird. 104. Abyssinian Scimitar-bill. 105. Blue-naped Mousebird. 106.Martial Eagle (T). 107.Black Crake. 108. Pink-backed Pelican. 109. Red-capped Lark. 110. Lesser Masked-Weaver. 111.Baglafecht Weaver. 112.Knob-billed Duck. 113.Gabar Goshawk. 114.Rufous-naped lark (V). 115.Winding Cisticola (V). 116. Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver. 117.Ethiopian Boubou (T). 118.White-breasted Cormorant. 119.Little Sparrowhawk.120.Red-collared Widowbird. 121.Grey-hooded Gull. 122.Great Spotted Cuckaoo. 123.Silverbird. 124.Gray Kestrel. 125.Hottentot Teal. 126.Black-lored Babbler. 127.Vitelline Masked-Weaver. 128. Black-necked Weaver. 129.Chestnut Sparrow.130.Schalow's Wheatear. 131.Mountain Thrush (T). 132.Eastern Chanting-Goshawk (V). 133.East African Citril. 134.Mountain-Greenbul (T). 135.Ashy Flycatcher. 136.White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher. 137.Abdim's Stork. 138.Long-tailed Fiscal. 139.African Dusky Flycatcher.  140.Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill. 141.Lilac-breasted Roller.142.Arrow-marked Babbler. 143.Teita Fiscal. 144.Grasshopper Buzzar. 145.Slate-colored Boubou. 146.White-bellied Canary 147.Northern Anteater-Chat. 148.Sooty Chat. 149.Red-chested Cuckoo.
1. African savanna elephant (T). 2.Leopard (T). 3.Lion (T). 4.Yellow baboon (V). 5.Black-backed jackal. 6.Cheetah(T). 7.Spotted hyena(V). 8.Grant's zebra (V). 9.Kirk's dik-dik10. Hartebeest. 11.Common hippopotamus (V).12.Common eland. 13.Blue wildebeest. 14. Blue monkey. 15.Bush hyrax. 16.Bat-eared fox. 17.Grant's gazelle. 18.Bohor reedbuck. 19.Sassaby.  20.African golden wolf. 21.Common dwarf mongoose. 22.Slender-tailed Mongoose. 23.Thomson's gazelle. 24.Klipspringer. 25.Egyptian mongoose.26.Masai giraffe.
1. Nile monitor. 2. Mwanza flat-headed rock.  3. Southern Long Tailed Lizard.  
1.White-backed Vulture (V). 2.Long-crested Eagle (V). 3. Black-headed Heron. 4.Red-billed Oxpecker (T). 5.Helmeted Guineafowl (T,V). 6. Little Bee-eater. 7.Blacksmith Lapwing. 8. African Jacana.  9.African Paradise-Flycatcher (V). 10.Yellow-billed Kite (T). 11.Palm-nut Vulture. 12.Spur-winged Goose. 13.Bateleur.14. Little Egret (V). 15.Brown Snake-Eagle. 16.Glossy Ibis (T). 17.Brown-crowned Tchagra. 18.Chinspot Batis. 19.African Hoopoe (T,V) 20.Spotted Thick-knee. 21.Sacred Ibis. 22.Black-winged Lapwing. 23.Water Thick-knee. 24.Gray Crowned-Crane. 25. Red-billed Quelea.26. Fork-tailed Drongo.27. Speckled Pigeon. 28.Wahlberg's Eagle.  29.Three-banded Plover. 30.Kittlitz's plover. 31.Wattled Lapwing. 32.Steppe Eagle. 33.Grosbeak Weaver. 34.Yellow-fronted Canary. 35.Squacco Heron. 36.Goliath Heron. 37.European Roller. 38. Cattle Egret. 39.Yellow-billed Stork. 40.Woodland Kingfisher. 41.Lesser Striped-Swallow.42.Great White Pelican. 43.Speckled Mousebird. 44.Red-winged Starling (V). 45.Red-rumped Swallow (V).46. Pied Avocet. 47.African Stonechat. 48.Ring-necked Dove. 49.Hamerkop (V). 50.White Stork (T). 51.African Openbill. 52.Black-winged Stilt. 53. Striped Kingfisher. 54.Pin-tailed Whydah. 55. Southern Fiscal. 56.Black-crowned Night Heron. 57.Black-winged Kite. 58.African Firefinch. 59.Marsh Sandpiper. 60.Laughing Dove. 61.Red-billed Teal. 62.Crested Francolin (T) 63.White-browed Scrub Robin. 64.Striated Heron. 65.White-faced Whistling Duck.  66. Spur-winged lapwing (T,V). 67.Eastern imperial eagle. 68.Common Ostrich.69.Lesser Spotted Eagle. 70.Lesser Kestrel. 71.Northear Wheatear.
MAMMALS: 1. African buffalo. 2. Common warthog. 3.Impala. 4. Waterbuck.5.Banded mongoose. 
REPTILES:1. Nile crocodile. 2. Flap-necked chameleon. 3. Leopard tortoise.

Tanzania - slideshow

INDIE jezyk Angielski


India-11/2024- introduktory text-Malabar Grey-Hornbil
Newly created galleries:
1.Malabar Grey-Hornbill(T). 2. Brahminy Starling. 3.Malabar Lark(V). 4.Black-rumped Flameback. 5.Jungle Babbler. 6.Greater Racket-tailed Drongo.(V) 7.Southern Hill Myna. 8.White-bellied Treepie. 9.Indian Blue Robin. 10.Black-and-rufous Flycatcher.11.White-naped Woodpecker. 12.Bay-backed Shrike. 13.Common Woodshrike. 14.Chestnut-shouldered Petronia. 15.Indian Nuthatch. 16. Green Leaf-Warbler. 17. Blue-capped Rock-Thrush. 18.Crested Goshawk. 19.Nilgiri Wood-Pigeon. 20.Nilgiri Flycatcher. 21.Jungle Myna. 22.Common Hawk-Cuckoo. 23.Purple Swamphen. 24.Black Drongo. 25.Red-naped Ibis. 26.River Tern. 27.Malabar Starling. 28.Malabar Parakeet. 29.Blue-eared Kingfisher. 30.Red Spurfowl. 31.Rufous Treepie(V). 32.Blue-throated Flycatcher. 33.Orange-headed Thrush. 34.Mottled Wood-Owl (V). 35.Spotted Owlet. 36.Jerdon's Nightjar. 37.Small Minivet. 38.Indian Pygmy Woodpecker. 39.Malabar Whistling-Thrush. 40.Kerala Laughingthrush. 41.Black-throated Munia. 42.Grey Junglefowl. 43.Indian Scimitar-Babbler. 44.White-browed Wagtail. 45.Square-tailed Bulbul. 46.Rufous-bellied Eagle. 47.Nilgiri Pipit. 48.Yellow-crowned Woodpecker. 49.Yellow-throated Bulbul. 50.Greater Flameback -Malabar Flameback. 51.Rufous Babbler. 52.Asian Fairy-bluebird. 53.Vernal Hanging-Parrot. 54.Jungle Bush-Quail(V). 55.Yellow-eyed Babbler. 56.White-browed Bulbul. 57.Red-headed Vulture. 58.Indian Grey-Hornbill(V). 59.Grey Francolin(V). 60.Oriental scops owl. 61Flame-throated Bulbul.
1.Indian giant squirrel. 2.Bonnet macaque(V). 3.Gaur. 4.Indian boar. 5.Jungle palm squirrel. 6.Black-footed gray langur. 7.Nilgiri tahr. 8.Barking deer – Muntjac. 9.Asian elephant. 10.Indian flying fox.
1.Common Wolf Snake. 2. Indian cobra(T). 3.Common house gecko. 4.Blanford's rock agama.
Changes in galleries:

1.Jungle Owlet. 2.Coppersmith Barbet(V). 3.Grey-headed flycatcher. 4.Pied Bush chat. 5.White-breasted Waterhen. 6.Western Yellow Wagtail. 7.Greater Spotted Eagle 8.Booted Warbler. 9.Brown-breasted Flycatcher. 10.Brown Wood-Owl(V). 11.Kashmir Flycatcher. 12.Banded Bay Cuckoo. 13.Velvet-fronted Nuthatch. 14.White-browed Fantail. 15.Long-tailed Shrike. 16.Indian Peafowl. 17.Spotted Dove. 18.Little cormorant. 19.Eurasian eagle-owl. 20.Red-wattled Lapwing. 21.Bronze-winged Jacana. 22.Black-crowned night heron. 23.Little Egret. 24.Green Bee-eater ( Asian green bee-eater). 25.Rosy Starling. 26.Asian Openbill. 27.Grey Heron. 28.Brahminy Kite. 29.Spot-billed Pelican. 30.Black-headed Ibis. 31.Greater Coucal. 32.Red-whiskered Bulbul(V). 33.Oriental Magpie-Robin. 34.Ashy Drongo. 35.House crow. 36.Malabar Trogon. 37.Ceylon Frogmouth. 38.Yellow-browed Bulbul. 39.Indian Pond Heron. 40.Crested serpent eagle. 41.Indian Pitta. 42.Indian Scops-Owl. 43.White-throated Kingfisher. 44.Grey Wagtail. 45.Shikra. 46.Crested Hawk-Eagle. 47.Yellow-billed Babbler. 48.Flame Minivet. 49.Purple Sunbird. 50.Purple-rumped Sunbird. 51.Blyth's Reed-Warbler. 52.Chestnut-headed Bee-eater. 53.Scaly-breasted Munia. 54.Oriental White-eye. 55.Intermediate Egret. 56.Little Spiderhunter. 57.Oriental Darter. 58.Cattle Egret. 59.Jerdon's Bushlark 60.Plain Prinia. 61.Common Tailorbird. 62.Asian brown flycatcher. 63.Asian Paradise-Flycatcher. 64.Common Kingfisher. 65.Ashy Prinia. 66.Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark. 67.Cotton Pygmy Goose. 68.Red-vented Bulbul. 69.Common myna. 70.Tawny Pipit. 71.Oriole. 72.Painted Stork. 73.Woolly-necked Stork. 74.Black Kite. 75.Jacobin cuckoo (Pied Cuckoo).76.Yellow-wattled Lapwing. 77.White-bellied Drongo. 78.Indian Robin(V).79.Brown-cheeked Fulvetta. 80.Brown Shrike. 81.Green imperial pigeon. 82.Green sandpiper. 83.Common Sandpiper.
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