Eurasian skylark size and coloration resembles that of a Crested Lark. However, it does not have such a large headdress as a Crested lark. Eurasian skylark also like open field spaces of meadows. Lark can also be spotted “hanging” over the field, where it observes the area while singing beautifully. Its flight in suspension above the ground is most likely caused by the fact that it comes from the steppe where were no trees from which it could watch the surrounding. Larks build nests on the ground in rural areas and, unfortunately, it helps to decrease this bird's population. And from farmers point of view, its very useful as he feeds on all kinds of insects and crop pests. Its size exceeds Sparrow's a little bit and his wingspan is around 30 centimeters.
Last minutes news – 04-2014
When I was awaiting the Eurasian Curlew, there arrived the Wood Sandpipers and  Eurasian Skylark. The Eurasian Curlew did not grace me with their presence. But that is enough. This modest and documentary gallery is expanded and enriched with these new pictures. I need to spend some time to radically change the contents of the gallery, as the Eurasian Skylark are ubiquitous ...
Last minute news 05/2014
The gallery of the Skylark is gradually getting larger and larger. It is enriched with several photos that were taken from car and from a short distance. On the same day, the greatest emotions were roused by the Ortolan.
Last-minute news - 03/2015
The appearance of skylarks in the vicinity of Poznan at the beginning of March was fruitful in terms of the chance to record their singing. There weren’t many pictures of skylarks taken but the fact that their sound was recorded made me remodel the gallery.
Last minute news-05/2015
I have added some photos of the Eurasian skylark, which were taken in the surroundings where European stonechats  and barn swallows occur.
Last minute news  04/2016
I have added, or in fact exchanged some of pictures in the gallery. So the site is in continuous process of improving, but in the case of this species there is much to do yet.
Last minute news  06/2016- Mongolia
Last minute news  05/2022

It is probably the most numerous population of the bird in Poland, and despite the passage of years I haven't managed to take good enough pictures to give the Eurasian skylark’s gallery the status of a very good one. Nevertheless I added some photos, so far probably the best ones of Eurasian skylark.
Last minute news-05-2024 – Kazakhstan
Last minute news-08-2024
I added a few photos of the skylark, this time taken from the car.

Mongolia - wykaz j.ANGIELSKI


Mongolia - introductory text - Pallas's sandgrouse
Birds-new galleries:
1. Pallas's Sandgrouse (T,V),2.Himalayan Vulture (T)3.Pallas's Sea-Eagle.(T)4.Demoiselle Crane(T).5.Upland Buzzard (T). 6.Siberian Scoter (T).7.Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush (T).8.Saker falcon.9.Golden Eagle.10.Azure Tit (T,V).11.Horned Lark  (T,V).12.Red-billed Chough (T,V).13.Mongolian Lark (T).14.Mongolian Herring Gull (T,G).15.Bar-headed Goose (T, V).16.Amur Falcon (T,V).17.Rock Sparrow (T,V).18.Pine Bunting (T,V).19.Desert Wheatear (T,V).20. Merlin (T).21.Isabelline Shrike (T).22.White-crowned Penduline-Tit (T,V). 23.Oriental plover (T). 24.Citrine wagtail (T). 25.Greater Sand Plover (T).26.Red-crested pochard (T).27.Daurian redstart (T).28.Eastern marsh harrier (T).29.Swan Goose (T).30.Dusky Warbler.31.Taiga Flycatcher.32.Pacific Swift.33.Thick-billed warbler. 34.Asian brown flycatcher.35.Daurian jackdaw.36. Richard's Pipit. 37.Garganey. 38..Asian Short-toed Lark.
Mamals-new galleries:
1. Przewalski's Horse (T). 2.Long-tailed ground squirrel (T,V). 3.Mongolian gazelle (T).4. Corsac fox (T).5.Bactrian camel (T).6.Yak (T).7.Bobak Marmot (T).8.Mongolian Pika.
Reptile-new galleries: 
1. Variegated toadhead agama. 2. Steppes Ratsnakes (T).
Amphibian : Mongolian toad
Changes in birds galleries: 
1.Cinereous Vulture (T) 2.Black Kite (T,V).3.Buff-browed Warbler(T,G).4.Olive-backed Pipit (T,V).5.Litle Stint (T).6.Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler (T).7.Eurasian Hobby(T).8.Siberian Rubythroat (T,V).9.Carrion Crow (T,V).10.Pallas's Leaf Warbler (T).11.Black-winged Stilt. 12.Ruddy Shelduck (T).13.Kentish Plover (T).14.Grey Heron (T).15.Eurasian Hoopoe(T).16.Griffon vulture (T).17.Arctic Warbler.18.Common swift.19.Common Shelduck.20.Whooper swan.21.Bearded vulture(T).22.Steppe eagle.23. Horned grebe.24.White-winged Tern.25.Pied avocet. 26.Isabelline wheatear. 27.Ruddy turnstone.28.Cormorant. 29.Northern Wheatear.30.Common goldeneye.31.Common redshank. 32.Eurasian Tree Sparrow. 33.Eurasian skylark.
Go to the gallery: MONGOLIA - F A U N A      MONGOLIA SLIDESHOW



Kazakhstan – 05/2024- introductory text – Black Lark
NEWS galery
1.Black Lark(T). 2.White-winged lark(V). 3.Bimacula  ted lark. 4. Oriental Turtle-Dove. 5. Booted Warbler.(V) 6.Paddyfield Warbler(V). 7.Red-headed Bunting(V). 8.Terek Sandpiper. 9.Turkestan Shrike. 10.Macqueen's Bustard. 11.Magellanic Plover. 12.Sykes's Warbler(V). 13.Brown Dipper(T).14.Pallid Scops-Owl 15.Grey-necked Bunting. 16.Saxaul Sparrow(V) 17.White-winged Woodpecker(V). 18.Pale-backed Pigeon. 19.Hume's Whitethroat.
MAMMALS : 1.Great gerbil. 2.Goitered gazelle.
REPTILES : 1.Russian tortoise. 2.Steppe agama. 3.Secret toadhead agama.

CHANGES in Galleries:
1.Black-bellied sandgrouse(V). 2.Pallas's gull(V). 3.Calandra Lark. 4.Lesser Grey Shrike (V). 5.Red-footed Falcon. 6. Eurasian Sparrowhawk. 7.Eurasian hobby. 8.Long-legged buzzard. 9.Marsh harrier. 10.Pallid Harrier. 11.Montagu's Harrier. 12.Black Kite. 13.Northern Wheatear. 14.Isabelline wheatear. 15.Pied Wheatear.16.Temminck's Stint. 17.Barn Swallow. 18.Blue Whistling-Thrush. 19.Rosy Starling(T,V). 20.Ruddy shelduck. 21.Demoiselle Crane. 22.Brown-necked Raven. 23.Eurasian Tree Sparrow. 24.Bluethroat. 25.Common Cuckoo. 26.Common Myna. 27.Spotted Flycatcher. 28.Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush. 29.White Wagtail. 30.Western Yellow Wagtail. 31.Citrine wagtail. 32.White-throated dipper. 33.Redstart. 34.Common Tern. 35.Caspian Tern. 36.White-winged Tern. 37.Black-tailed Godwit. 38.Greater Sand Plove. 39. Azure Tit. 40.Short-toed Lark. 41.Mediterranean Short-toed Lark. 42.Tawny Pipit. 43.Buff-browed Warbler. 44.Ortolan Bunting.... 45.Eurasian skylark. 46.Crested Lark. 47.Siberian Stonechat. 48.Wood Sandpiper. 49.Caspian Gull. 50.Red-crested pochard. 51.House Sparrow. 52.White-tailed eagle. 53.Great Tit. 54.Western Jackdaw. 55.European Roller. 56.Egyptian vulture. 57.Chukar patridge.58.Shikra(V).

Kazakhstan FAUNA        Kazakhstan FLORA         Kazakhstan KRAJOBRAZ              Kazakhstan ASTANA

Kazakhstan diaporama - YouTube