It is a rather rare bird in Poland, although each year it can be observed in our country. It occurs in Africa, from the Mediterranean sea to the Republic of South Africa. In Africa it can be seen in parks and photographed so easily as mallards in Poland. It has been successfully reintroduced in Western Europe. Egyptian geese reach up to 2.5 kg in weight with a wingspan of 1.5 m. It’s a pity that the birds were very skittish (they were accompanied by greater white-fronted geese and graylag geese), and the light was not very intense yet, which did not enable me to take some better quality pictures, even with the use of a converter. Thus these few photos initiate a gallery of this species on my website.
Last minute news – 07/2015
The Egyptian goose seems to be omnipresent in the Netherlands. They can be seen in small flocks grazing on the meadows, but always away from the road. I took a few pictures which I added to the gallery.
Last minute news - South Africa 02/2017
After returning from South Africa there was a change in Egyptian goose galleries. This was my third contact with this species. After two earlier, however, I did not have good enough and interesting photos to mark the gallery as satisfactory, of two-star quality. In the meantime, in South Africa the birds allowed to approach so close, the light was so good that the new photos introduced a new quality in the presentation of this species on my site. I have added also the soundtrack of the voice of the bird recorded.
Last minute news-Ethiopia-12-2019
Last minute news-09/2022-London
I have already written about the attraction of photographing birds in parks of large cities on my website when I photographed in the Royal Baths Park in Warsaw. I always like to return to this park, especially in autumn. St. James's Park exceeded my wildest expectations. Despite the fact that its area is a field of our Royal Baths Park, or maybe because of that, it was possible to observe dozens of species of birds there. They could be photographed without any camouflage and sometimes from very close range. Grey Herons reduced the distance to a few meters. Unfortunately, there were three limitations on this day. The first was time limited. Unfortunately, my stay in London was very short and I could not devote more than less than 3 hours to photographing birds. The second limitation was the light. At the time I had the pleasure of photographing there was quite harsh, contrasty light and this was not conducive to taking very good photos. The third impediment was the approaching day of the Queen's funeral. Not only was London overcrowded with people, but also the park itself where people were literally rubbing up against each other and there were thousands of them. Probably will have to return there, because as befits a large metropolitan area, London has several parks and who knows what else will be observed and photographed there? For a short stay there, the result is impressive. I've added a new gallery of a bird belonging to the fauna of Poland and it is the White-headed Duck (393/467). This bird has appeared in Poland less than 20 times, so it is a great rarity in our country. A gallery was also created of Ross's Goose. I also added photos to the gallery of the Red-breasted Goose, Egyptian goose and Eastern gray squirrel. Here I am most pleased with the photos of the Red-breasted Goose. Such a beautiful bird, until now had only a few documentary photos taken from a considerable distance. Finally, here there are changes after 8 years, the gallery changes its design and the quality status of the photos. This text is common to all galleries created and changed after a visit to the park in London.
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana
Republic of South Africa 02/2017 - introductory text - Livingstone's turaco
Birds-new galleries:
1.Livingstone's turaco(T,V),2.Red-billed oxpecker(T,V).3.Long-tailed widowbird (T,V),4.Cape Glossy-Starling.5.Grosbeak Weaver (T,V).6.Trumpeter Hornbill (T,V),7.Fork-tailed Drongo.8.Rufous-chested Swallow (T).9.Long-tailed Cormorant.10. Burchell's Coucal (T,V).11.Water Thick-knee (T).12.Spotted Thick-knee (T).13.African Swamphen.14. Great White Pelican.15.African Pied Wagtail (T,V).16.Crested Guineafowl (V).17.Three-banded Plover (T).18.White-fronted Plover (T).19.Pin-tailed Whydah.20.Southern Red Bishop (T,V).21.Tawny-flanked Prinia.22.Forest Weaver (T).23.Cape Weaver (T).24.Bald ibis (T). 25.African Fish Eagle,26.Dark-capped Bulbul,27.Sombre Greenbul,28.African Pied Starling,29.Black-bellied Glossy-Starling,30.Woolly-necked Stork (T).31.Blacksmith Lapwing,32.Black-headed Heron,33.Goliath Heron (T),34.Red-winged Starling,35.Yellow-billed Stork (T).36.Blue Bustard (T).37.White-faced Whistling Duck,38.Perrin's Bushshrike (V),39.Natal Francolin (T),40.Speckled Pigeon,41.Lesser Striped-Swallow, 42.Greater Striped-Swallow(V),43.Yellow-billed Duck,44.Yellow-billed Kite,45.South African Shelduck (V),46.African Stonechat,47.Cape Canary,48.Black Cuckooshrike,49.Grey Crowned-Crane (T),50.Blue Crane (T),51.Crowned Hornbill (T),52.Wahlberg's Eagle,53. Palm-nut Vulture,54.Pied Kingfisher,55.Hamerkop,56.Orange River white-eye,57.Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove,58.Southern Black-Flycatcher,59.Malachite Sunbird,60.Black-backed Puffback,61.African Golden-Weaver,62.African Jacana (V),63.African harrier-hawk.64.African Firefinch,65.Crested Barbet,66.Wailing Cisticola,67.Brown-crowned Tchagra,68.Black-winged Lapwing,69.Wattled Lapwing,70.Black Heron,71.Red-faced Mousebird,72.Speckled Mousebird,73. African Hoopoe,74.Bokmakierie Bushshrike,75.Crested Francolin (T),76.Brown Snake-Eagle,77.Spur-winged Goose,78.Gray Go-away-bird, 79.Sacred Ibis(T,V),80.Wire-tailed Swallow,81.Rufous-necked Wryneck,82.Brown-hooded Kingfisher,83.Woodland Kingfisher,84.Striped Kingfisher,85.Red-knobbed Coot,86.Blue-cheeked Bee-eater(T),87.Little Bee-eater (T),88.African Darter,89.Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (T,V),90.Kittlitz's plover (T),91.Caspian Tern,92.White-backed Vulture,93.Red-billed Teal, 94.Purple-crested Turaco (V),95.Red-billed Quelea,96.African Yellow White-eye,97.Black-collared Barbet,98.Mocking Cliff-Chat,99.Southern Anteater-Chat,100.African Paradise-Flycatcher,101.Ring-necked Dove,102.Golden-breasted Bunting,103.Yellow-crowned Bishop,104.Yellow-throated Petronia, 105.Yellow-bellied Greenbul,106.Rattling Cisticola (V).107.White-throated Swallow.108.Red-eyed Dove.109.White-eared Barbet. 110. Plain Martin,111.Banded Martin,112.Red-backed Scrub-Robin (V),113.Southern Fiscal,114.Gray-winged Francolin (T),115.Acacia Pied Barbet,116.Glossy Ibis (T),117.Buff-streaked Bushchat,118.African Openbill (T),119.Chinspot Batis,120. Bateleur (T),121.Dideric Cuckoo,122.Yellow-fronted Canary,123.Malachite Kingfisher,124.Scarlet-chested Sunbird,125.Orange-throated Longclaw,126.Yellow-throated Longclaw,127.African Green-Pigeon,128.Cape Bunting,129.Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird,130.Variable Indigobird,131.Fan-tailed Widowbird,132.Orange Weaver,133.Long-crested Eagle,134.Cape Crow (V),135.Southern Gray-headed Sparrow,136.Cape Sparrow,137. Helmed Guineafowl.138.Green-backed Camaroptera.139.Violet-backed Starling.140 Black-bellied Glossy-Starling.
MAMMALS NEW GALLERIES: 1.Southern giraffe.2Burchell's zebra.3.Nyala.4.White rhinoceros.5.Chacma baboon.6.African Buffalo.7.Wildebeests.8.Common warthog.9.Waterbuck.10. Bushbuck.11.Vervet monkey.12.Banded mongoose.13.Impala.
REPTILIES - NEV GALLERIES: 1.Nile crocodile.2.Leopard tortoise.3.Serrated Hinged Terrapin.4.Flap-necked chameleon.
INSECT : 1. Elegant Grasshopper. 2.Plum dung beetle, and changes in the gallery of butterflies, odonata and other insects.
CHANGES IN BIRDS GALLERIES : 1.European roller (T).2 Black-winged kite.3.Amur falcon (T).4.Egyptian goose(T).5.Red-backed shrike (T).6.Hadeda ibis (T).7.Llittle egret.8.Cattle egret.9.Barn swallow.10.Squacco heron.11.Zitting cisticola (T).12.Common moorhen.13. Steppe buzzard (T).14.Sanderling (T ).15.Purple heron.16.European Bee-eater.17.Common tern. 18.Laughing Dove.19.White stork.
Go to the gallery : South Africa - F A U N A South Africa- FLORA South Africa- LANDSCAPE Cape Town
Ethiopia 11/12-2019- introductory text- Prince Ruspoli's Turaco
1.Prince Ruspoli's Turaco (E,V,T). 2.Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse (T). 3.Arabian bustard(T). 4. Golden-breasted Starling. 5D'Arnaud's Barbet (V).6. Stresemann's Bush-Crow (E,V).7. White-cheeked Turaco (V). Temminck's Courser. 9. Cut-throat. 10.Somali Ostrich. 11.Straw-tailed Whydah(V). 12.Eastern Paradise-Whydah. 13Thick-billed Raven(E,V). 14.Sombre Chat (E,V). 15.Rouget's Rail (E). 16.Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling (V). 17.Yellow-fronted Parrot (E,V). 18.Narina Trogon (V). 19.Banded Barbet (E,V). 20.Black-winged Lovebird (E,V). 21 Black-headed Lapwing. 22. Somali Crow. 23. Chestnut-naped Francolin (E). 24.Yellow-breasted Barbet (V). 25.Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill. 26.Abyssinian Roller. 27.Abyssinian Owl. 28.African Wood-Owl. 29. Wattled Ibis (E). 30. Blue-winged Goose (E,T). 31.Cape Eagle-Owl(T). 32. Northern Carmine Bee-eater. 33.Black-throated Barbet (V). 34. Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark. 35. Spot-breasted Lapwing (E). 36.Abyssinian Siskin(E). 37.Rosy-patched Bushshrike. 38.Variable Sunbird. 39.Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike. 40.Madagascar Bee-eater. 41.Swainson's Sparrow. 42.African Thrush. 43.Eastern Plantain-eater. 44.Somali Fiscal. 45.Masked Shrike. 46.Lesser Grey Shrike. 47.Northern Black-Flycatcher (V). 48.Fan-tailed Raven. 49.Groundscraper Thrush. 50.Reichenow's Seedeater. 51.Moorland Chat. 52. Village Indigobird. 53.Lesser Blue-eared Glossy-Starling. 54.Plain-backed Pipit. 55.Pied Wheatear. 56.Little Weaver. 57.Shelley's Starling. 58.Red-bellied Parrot. 59.African Bare-eyed Thrush. 60.Rufous Chatterer. 61. Pearl-spotted Owlet. 62.African Black-headed Oriole (V). 63.White-crowned Starling. 64.Bare-faced Go-away-bird. 65.White-collared Pigeon(E). 66.African Pygmy-Goose.... 67.White-rumped Babbler. 68. Blue-headed Coucal. 69.Mountain Gray Woodpecker. 70.Senegal Thick-knee. 71.Black Scimitar-bill. 72.Spectacled Weaver. 73.Double-toothed Barbet. 74.Black-billed Barbet. 75.Grayish Eagle-Owl. 76.Crimson-rumped Waxbill. 77.Little Rock-Thrush. 78.Northern White-faced Owl. 79.Rueppell's Weaver. 80.Striolated Bunting. 81.Abyssinian Ground-Thrush. 82.Crowned Hawk-Eagle. 83.Bronze Mannikin. 84.African Spotted-Creeper. 85.Yellow-bellied Eremomela.86.Grant's Woodhoopoe.
MAMMALS:1.Mantled gereza. 2.Grivet. 3.Aardwolf. 4.Sacred babon. 5.Beisa Oryx. 6.Soemmerring's gazele. 7.Mountain Nyala. 8.Unstriped Ground Squirrel. 9.Cape hare. 10.Desert Warthog.
REPTILES: Savannah monitor.
1.Spur-winged lapwing(V). 2.Hooded Vulture(T). 3.Hamerkop(T). 4.Cape Crow(V). 5.Secretary-bird. 6.Crowned Lapwing(V). 7.Gray-headed Social-Weaver(V). 8.Speckled Pigeon(V). 9.Superb Starling(V). 10.African Fish Eagle(V,T). 11.Egyptian Goose(V). 12.Marabou Stork(V). 13.Red-cheeked Cordonbleu(V). 14.EgyptianVulture. 15.Streaky Seedeater. 16.Abdim's Stork. 17.White-bellied Bustard. 18.Silvery-cheeked Hornbill(T). 19.Isabelline Wheatear. 20.White-browed Sparrow-Weaver. 21.Eurasian Hoopoe(T). 22.Three-banded Courser. 23.African Gray Hornbill. 24.Abyssinian Scimitar-bill. 25.Namaqua Dove. 26.Pygmy Falcon. 27.Buff-crested Bustard. 28.Northern Red-billed Hornbill. 29.Woodchat Shrike. 30.Red-billed Firefinch. 31.Red-billed Quelea. 32.Pallid Harrier. 33.Nubian Woodpecker. 34.White-bellied Go-away-bird. 35.Western Yellow Wagtail. 36.Mountain Thrush. 37.Vitelline Masked-Weaver. 38.Steppe Eagle. 39.Village Weaver(V). 40.Black Kite. 41.Black-winged Lapwing. 42.Yellow-billed Kite.... 43.African Stonechat. 44.Heuglin's white-eye. 45.Baglafecht Weaver. 46.Booted Eagle. 47.Dusky Turtle-Dove. 48.Thekla Lark. 49. Augur Buzzard. 50.Yellow-necked Spurfowl. 51.Kori Bustard. 52.Von der Decken's Hornbill. 53.African Paradise-Flycatcher. 54.Red-and-yellow Barbet. 55.Fork-tailed Drongo. 56.Little Bee-eater. 57.White-browed Coucal. 58.Laughing Dove. 59.Mocking Cliff-Chat. 60.Northern Wheatear. 61.White-headed Buffalo-Weaver. 62.Red-billed Oxpecker(T). 63.Tawny-flanked Prinia(V). 64.Pin-tailed Whydah. 65.Garden Bulbul. 66.White-faced Whistling Duck(V). 67.Spotted Morning-Thrush. 68.White-backed Vulture. 69.Eastern Chanting-Goshawk. 70.Red-winged Starling. 71.African Harrier-Hawk. 72.Red-backed Scrub-Robin. 73.Rueppell's Glossy-Starling. 74.Pied Cuckoo. 75.Rüppell's Vulture. 76.Rufous-crowned Roller. 77.Speckled Mousebird. 78. Verreaux's Eagle-Owl. 79.Pied Kingfisher. 80.Woodland Kingfisher. 81.Mourning Collared-Dove(V). 82.Sacred Ibis. 83.African Jacana. 84. White-browed Robin-Chat. 85. Black Crake. 86.Green-backed Camaroptera. 87.Hadeda ibis. 88.Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse. 89.Red-eyed Dove. 90.Southern Fiscal. 91.Scarlet-chested Sunbird. 92.Yellow-billed Stork. 93.Striped Kingfisher. 94.Helmeted Guineafowl. 95.Gray-backed Fiscal. 96.Chestnut Sparrow. 97.African Darter. 98.Beautiful Sunbird. 99.Great White Pelican. 100.Long-tailed Cormorant. 101.Grey-hooded Gull. 102.Squacco Heron. 103.Rufous-necked Wryneck. 104.Barn Swallow. 105.Hottentot Teal. 106.Crane(T). 107.Pied Crow. 108.Slender-tailed Nightjar. 109.Pink-backed Pelican. 110.Osprey. 111.Mariqua Sunbird. 112.Malachite Kingfisher. 113.White-rumped Shrike. 114.Grey-headed Kingfisher. 115.Ring-necked dove.... 116.Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush. 117. Redstart. 118.Gabar Goshawk. 119.Montagu's Harrier.
MAMMALS:1 African golden Wolf. 2.Black-backed jackal.
REPTILES: 1.Nile crocodile. 2.Leopard tortoise.
ETHIOPIANS- portraits of children ETHIOPIANS - adult portraits ETHIOPIANS -oders
Slideshow from ETHIOPIA